PS3 Online Match Up Thread

get my invitation? i sent it again

perhaps its region locked, I am in the USA. hope I can play online though, otherwise this will suck,

anyways we shall try again later, thanks for the effort.
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I played a 10 over ODI on PSN
and bowled out the guy for 24 off 4.3 overs
then i knocked it off 26-0 in 1.5 overs and the guy leaves witch meant i didnt get the win in a ranked match.

Then 2nd i plaed a 5 over ODI
nd amassed 83 in my 5 overs with him just bowling yorkers
then he got to 78 off 4.5 needing 6 of the last ball to win it and i bowled a gas 100MPH bouncer what he missed (:

anyone wanna game later or whenever add my PSN

i play fair and dont leave.
Just added you on there if you're still up for a game now?
I get the error message

unable to join session - failed to connect to host

and cannot play any games, anyone know why this is?
anyone fancy a T20 now? PSN is burnsy08 so add me if you fancy it.
Good game there mate, we both did well to recover after early wickets and you were unlucky with run outs. I need to learn to wait a bit before hitting out, I wasted about 7 overs!
i am 'akulch'


the amount of quitting is astounding, so the intergrity list is a must.
No one ever play a_b786

what a son of a bitch, he quit on me on the last ball,

i hope he falls down the stairs and breaks his neck

Hmarka added 18 Minutes and 56 Seconds later...

guys if anyone wants to play in the next hour, I am ready. I cannot play random people anymore, they always quit!

hit me up on MSN if you want to play
playing someone named gougie, hopefully it will be my first full match (ranked)

i won the toss and will bowl as england against an asia XI at capetown
ok Gougie is a good player. He did not quit, although he did beat me comfortably,

keep posting the good players and the quitters on here, i am keeping a list that i will publish in a new thread

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