PS3 Online Match Up Thread

Street Fighter 4 has a system online where before you go ahead and fight a person online - you can see his disconnect %. So if its more than 10% I don't play.

Codies need this system in this game. So those who quit a lot will stop getting people to play with, and you can automatically guarantee a quit-less match with someone with a low disconnect %. Capcom pretty much solved the quitters problem with this in.
I get my copy in 4-5 days, it just got shipped yesterday. What's your PSN though so I can add you?
well played annilation, facing 10 overs of spin was too much on that day 3 wicket. India just might be the toughest team to beat online . bloody offies!
guys i like to play online very much and would play full matches
if anyone wants some good games add me
my psn is lonewolf5646
Hi guys. add me and please put down planet cricket in the message, i have played 3 guys from these forums and am not a quitter.

My psn is zub2008

I am in australia wanting a game. I am sick of people quitting on me, especially when they bat first and then just quit after 1 over of me batting. Only had 1 finished game.

PSN chad04
i had my first online game experience yesterday.. played two, lost the first and wont he second, and got kicked out after joining a game :laugh.. but never had the experience of ppl quitting.. anyways am gonna grab all of u non-quitters and add to my frnds list..:) mine is themarooned09.. lets have some fun... hope it wont last till 430in the morning like last time... :)
Add me on PSN KiNg-_-AlEx
Good gamer and I am not one one those yorkers, yorkers and more yorkers bowlers:)

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