PS3 Online Match Up Thread

ok Gougie is a good player. He did not quit, although he did beat me comfortably,

keep posting the good players and the quitters on here, i am keeping a list that i will publish in a new thread

So did you manage to connect with people and play online?
im getting right fed up with ppl quitting on me........dam you codemasters for allowing ppl to do it without punishment....

wasting my time with this game online i think.....:crying

jaynffc added 4 Minutes and 14 Seconds later...

I played a 10 over ODI on PSN
and bowled out the guy for 24 off 4.3 overs
then i knocked it off 26-0 in 1.5 overs and the guy leaves witch meant i didnt get the win in a ranked match.

same thing happened to me in a 20/20 match just after i'd hit the winning runs......can we not make a list of quitters on ere....
Like i said it will be better to play someone you know as the people just quit sometimes.
Hey guys, I will be getting PS3 version of the game very soon. If you want to add me, my PSN name is fayou. I promise i won't quit on people unless its like an emergency or something (lol). I live in Canada though.
So did you manage to connect with people and play online?

i can only play certain people whose ports are open. have not yet tried what zmario said

anyone want to try to get a game going right now? LeftArmFast
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anyone up for a T20 or something. burnsy08 just add me and I'll give you a game.
Just added you on the friends bit in-game if you're still up for a game burnsy?
never play someone called xxscoobyxy

he was 15-4 and sent me a message saying "stop taking wickets or ill quit" needless to say he quit
Just had a class online game, he batted first making 201-9 off his 20 overs. Then in reply, despite Shah getting 37, I collapsed with him and Flintoff run out to around 120-7, enter Swann and Broad. Initially I played them slowly, but as he'd used all his fast bowlers overs up, I had a free reign against the spinners, Broad making about 45 and Swann around 40 to bring the run rate from 12 an over to win it comfortably with 2 overs left!

As I was taking a picture of the scorecard, needless to say he quit. Very annoying. Can't remember what his name was at the moment, but if I do I'll put it on here.
wow all my games today have been quitters. this is ridiculous, they should atleast give us the stats from the quit games.

IF you lot dont fix this then the online game will be RUINED!
It's late, I can't sleep and am bored to death. Anyone fancy a T20 or something? burnsy08 add me. PM me if you want to play as I'll fire up the PS3 to play.

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