PS3/Xbox 360/PC Gamertags Thread - AC09 Online Play

What's wrong with the existing thread for PC users? It doesn't matter what part of the world you're from. Not using your melbournemartin id then?
I think it does to be honest barmyarmy; unless both players connection speeds are up to scratch then there's going to be lag playing trans-continental games.

However, I'd rather see a single thread for all PC usernames, split into countries rather than a separate thread for each.
Off topic but what dream job do you have where you get to post on here all day? I'm lucky to get online at all during the week when I'm working!
Off topic but what dream job do you have where you get to post on here all day? I'm lucky to get online at all during the week when I'm working!
One I probably should be getting back to, but so dull that I regularly get distracted from it. :(
How did you know I was a melbournemartin? I don't recall mentioning that here... I use AussieDave27 sometimes.

The existing thread has become very long and uninformative. Most of the posts are people bitching about online people not being very nice or games stuffing up etc. I don't want any chitchat, I just want a list of usernames that I can add to my friends list and play.
I know everything...
There's meant to be a list in the first post. Maybe Gas could update it as he "owns" the post.
hey if anyone wants a game on ps3, my ID is skonam, thanks
PSN Gamer Tag - Lone_Wolf_87
I know everything...
There's meant to be a list in the first post. Maybe Gas could update it as he "owns" the post.

I have already added some peoples id's to the opening post, just need to send me a pm.

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