when do we get to see the next batch of updates i.e screenshots or videos.

The next batch of content release will come along with the official release announcement date and a closed beta (we will be including some folks from here, but please don't write to me about that yet).

Faraz.Ahmed added 14 Minutes and 48 Seconds later...

Answer these:

1)Can i retire hurt a player with a Shoaib Akhtar bouncer?
2)Is ther any stamina system for bowlers?
3)can we create a player?
4)can we create offline tournaments in the game?
5)can we create teams?

max_dillon2007 added 9 Minutes and 29 Seconds later...

6) can a player walk down the track like gambhir or hayden instead of just dancing down the track?

1) You instead rattle/stun a batsman so that his abilities are affected negatively for the next few deliveries that he faces. We found that to serve gameplay better than just sending him off the field -> which is essentially like getting a normal wicket.

2) Yes there is a stamina system, so you can't have the same bowler bowl consecutively for a long period without affecting his abilities.

3,5) Yes you can create your own teams and individual players within those teams. A team and player skill cap will come into play to ensure game balance. Having the ability to distribute your talent points and create custom teams results in highly strategic encounters.

4) No custom tournaments but there will be plenty of game play vs the computer AI to keep you busy.

6) No walking down the track :)
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I want to know this game will be coded like EA or BLIC? i.e we have to need some special programs to modify this game or this game can be modify easily?
The next batch of content release will come along with the official release announcement date and a closed beta (we will be including some folks from here, but please don't write to me about that yet).

Faraz.Ahmed added 14 Minutes and 48 Seconds later...

1) You instead rattle/stun a batsman so that his abilities are affected negatively for the next few deliveries that he faces. We found that to serve gameplay better than just sending him off the field -> which is essentially like getting a normal wicket.

2) Yes there is a stamina system, so you can't have the same bowler bowl consecutively for a long period without affecting his abilities.

3,5) Yes you can create your own teams and individual players within those teams. A team and player skill cap will come into play to ensure game balance. Having the ability to distribute your talent points and create custom teams results in highly strategic encounters.

4) No custom tournaments but there will be plenty of game play vs the computer AI to keep you busy.

6) No walking down the track :)

Aww.. Would've been nice. But there's a dancing down the track kind of ability right?:) They're different though, i mean.
Yeah, i remember it. :) I am supposedly asking this little question. What kind of special abilities can we get for the bowlers/batsmen/fielders(?) I have seen in the trailer that there's a quick going ball with fire trails, so are they sort of customizable and can be made? That'll add more fun! :D Because like Pocket tanks for example, and here will there be any sort of special balls packs available after release of the game?

I don't really need an early answer. :) Just a question out of curiosity.
Hi, great to have this thread as it is a relief to finally have someone respond to the eagarly awaiting fans.

Q. Who will be the publisher of this game.
Q. How much will the game cost?
a) will there be a Manual Appealing System.. like in Cricket 97 ATE?

b) Diving while running between the wickets like C97 ATE too??

c) Rain Delays... Duckworth & Lewis Method?

d) Cut Scenes of Lunch / Drink Intervals... Man of the Match / Series?

e) Sledging

thats it for now... hope its not too much... just one liners... :)

i have done a lot of research but yeah u shud think that first the title of cricketlife was
cricket life07 then they delayed and title became cricket life08 and then further they are delaying and now title it cricket life 1 which wud probably say that they are planning to not release this game this year too or may be next year also

i dont know how much time they will take and every normal person wud say that it will never release if he will see how much they delayed and changed the titles to keep the peoples interest

like TAOC gives update ,they're not giving any updates which wud probably define how slow they're going


Cheers and remember taoc
Now you will ask why they aren't releasing screenshots now. It is because they do not want to give people the wrong impression and show something which may not be indicative of what the final product will look like. There are many exciting features in the game so I suggest next time, you do your research before you moan again.

like TAOC gives update ,they're not giving any updates which wud probably define how slow they're going
Here is your answer nabeel and back to topic
we have to need some special programs to modify this game or this game can be modify easily?
One of the restrictions, and its important to understand, is that this is a multiplayer competitive game. We can't have mods that affect gameplay in any way because it will create unfair match-ups. Secondly, as far as cosmetics are concerned, we would like to be able to award players with special-kits and add ons based on their achievements and so forth in the future. Therefore, although we support the idea of mods, we would at the same time like to have these special community features along with a well balanced experience. Any decisions on 'moddability' will be based on the above ideas.

What kind of special abilities can we get for the bowlers/batsmen/fielders(?)....will there be any sort of special balls packs available after release of the game?
We won't be releasing the list of the deliveries before hand but I can talk about them a bit. Special deliveries are an important part of the bowling gameplay and are bowling style specific. These deliveries are based on real world specialties that top bowlers produce now and then. I know that some folks are worried that this is an artificial element in the game, but its really not. The special effects that we use are in fact important for gameplay balance to indicate to the players that a special delivery was executed successfully. We've already included most real world 'special deliveries' so I doubt that there will be any ball packs. An FX pack might be a possibility however :) The batsmen and fielders can be customized to significantly alter your game strategy... by modifying core abilities, like over all skill, defensive, balanced, aggressive, shot placement abilities, faster running, better catching and so on.

Who will be the publisher of this game.
There will be some announcements on this matter in the near future.

Q. How much will the game cost?
There will be some announcements on this matter in the near future.

will there be a Manual Appealing System.. like in Cricket 97 ATE?
We gave manual appealing a thorough try but in a multiplayer environment it quickly became an annoyance that everyone would like to do without. :)

b) Diving while running between the wickets like C97 ATE too??
I'll have to check with the team whether our batsmen are going to be diving :) There IS however player controlled running that is additionally influenced by the batsman abilities. Slow guys make it to the wicket later than their running partner, which, when combined with the option to throw at any end, makes run outs nice and solid.

c) Rain Delays... Duckworth & Lewis Method?
Yes and yes.

d) Cut Scenes of Lunch / Drink Intervals... Man of the Match / Series?
All of these offline experiences are under design and implementation at the moment. But we're considering all of the above.

e) Sledging
There is always in game chat for that and... some players have been known to strafe their batsmen around annoyingly to pester the bowlers :)

Thanks for the questions so far, and I hope I didn't miss any.
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