Random Thoughts


my fault for not elaborating.

Home grown meaning american citizens, however naturalized American citizens. meaning born and raised in another country and culture.

I am not advocating a full out ban on immigration from certain countries. That would be impractical and unfeasible. however I think our immigration standards are too lax, we need to start considering more layers of criteria like Australia. Perhaps criteria like education.

I saw this Australian Story(which is a tv program) at school and it was about this guy from Australia who started become friends with this girl on youtube. They started talking through Youtube videos and so on their long distance relationship. The man then messaged her saying if she wouldn't mind him coming to America(she was american...) and so on. He flew to America but tough laws since 9/11 made sure he couldn't meet her. They frisked his laptop, interrogated like a criminal, in custody for days then had to fly back to Australia since the people there didn't believe his story.

It is tougher than you think.
Feck, gonna cost me $185 to make this 2x2m St. George flag I designed, + another $50 - and that's without the poles. Don't have $225 right now D: Will probably have to wait until next season, get it made in the off season.

Whats it look like?
Red BG would be more expensive yeah maybe a bit darker too?, Usually like those type ████ in Black and White would look decent still. Like it though.
Yeah the red would cost more but I reckon it would be more effective in the long run. Not many big flags in Rugby Leagye so a big 2x2m red one should get peoples attention, and hopefully Hornbys too :p (that's who's on the flag for those wondering)

I may try make him fade into the bg a little more. Not too sure what effects to do on PS but I'll play around with it a bit more.
Why no one will ever fight the USA today in a conventional war

If there is one thing we have perfected, its warfare. All that wasted money :mad

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Anyway, any of you Aussies picked up this months fourfourtwo? Not sure if its similar in England but this month has the usual magazine (which has some great features this month including Pim Verbeek and Fabio Capello interviews), then it has a fourfourtwo complete WC guide magazine, a poster which has all the groups and fixtures of the groups, plus a table that you can fill out at the end to show who finished where. Then it also has the WC sticker book and 6 stickers. Good value.

Nup, picked up wheels instead.
So was out last night and am walking back from a flat party with the gf and 2 mates when all I see is this thing fly past me and hit my mate. I think someone has thrown a bottle at him as there is blood everywhere and I'm like going "S***, s***, s***!!!!" However, I then realise it's not his blood and someone has thrown A HEART :eek: at him and thats why he is covered in blood. For a horrible second I thought it was human lol, but it was way too big. We never did find out how threw that at us, but my mate was not happy as it totally reaked :laugh
I mean, kidneys? yeah. Livers? why not.
But hearts? too far! :p

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