Random Thoughts

Mmm, after the cricket the European Womens Handball Final came on: strange game. Havent quite decided whether I like it or not.....in placesl ike Germany and Denmark it is absolutely massive: big crowds, players are stars. They certainly throw themselves about......

They are unfortunately not your best looking ladies, many of them look rather like they have had an unpleasant meeting with the back of a bus..ah well....sweaty women in close proximity to each other has its charms......

My girlfriend thinks I am being sexist, but I am not, she's just a stupid b*tch.....:p:p (Ooh she had better not see that! Ah, no dear, no not the shoe cupboard, please I beg of you........)
If your girlfriend thinks you are being sexist, the best way for her to get over that misconceived notion would be to bake you a pie
If your girlfriend thinks you are being sexist, the best way for her to get over that misconceived notion would be to bake you a pie

She thought it was a wonderful idea, but she'll do it right after the cleaning!:p
Good man dutchy, gotta keep them in check. I occasionaly get mine to clean my room because she has this thing that everything has to be tidy and clean, so I make sure I put off any cleaning till she comes around ;)
Do you at least wipe your ass during the week or do you let it build up until she comes around? :p
Don't you just love dickheads who play CoD and think they are hard. A guy keeps messaging me calling me a prick and saying I'm ████, and yet I've managed to do better than him on every single map we've played. He called me a 'British Gay' so I assume he is American. Sometimes people from your nation just need a smack in the face, hMarka.
Don't you just love dickheads who play CoD and think they are hard. A guy keeps messaging me calling me a prick and saying I'm ████, and yet I've managed to do better than him on every single map we've played. He called me a 'British Gay' so I assume he is American. Sometimes people from your nation just need a smack in the face, hMarka.

You an Xbox or a PS3 kinda guy? Add me on either, Xbox - Simbazz PS3 - Simbazz90
Nice, just started hitting CoD:MW2 again after a long while, what with the new maps etc. Hardcore Stimulus :D
New maps any good? Been playing WaW a lot recently, just because S&D is just brilliant on it and the maps are perfect for online play. S&D on MW2 is shocking, at least it is for me.

How much do the new maps cost?

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