Random Thoughts

Supersoakers are for rednecks :p NERF guns ftw



How dare you!!:p

My 90's armoury:





Good times. Shooting prize 2 years in a row. I could almost be American :p

went for a carvery and a few quiet drinks with my mates last night.#

Come 3am a 31 year old married woman basically has me in a headlock, demanding that me and my mate don't go home.

One day I will actually just have a few quiet drinks.

There is no such thing as quiet drinks when you're a uni student ;) It's your job to be involved/cause as many issues as you can

Just applied for a bunch of places. I'd have to be unlucky not to get one.

It was fast food mainly, with a couple of retail joints, but tbh, I'm 14, I want money, not a lifelong job. The quicker I can work and build up some money, the better, as long as it's a reasonable job.

Good for you, hope you get something, nothing like a bit of spare cash rattling around
Back after another crushing win on a Sunday. Scored 203/9 from our 40, with myself there at the end on 6* from 7. Then came our turn to bowl. Had them all out in less than 16 overs for just 30! I took 4 for 14, our Aussie took 4 for 12 and 'Chunk' as he is affectionately known took a double wicket maiden.

Should be into the Quarters of the cup after that win.
Obviously my weekend has taken a hit, I'm currently using my very old Gameboy Advance SP whilst playing Pokemon leaf, is it? Its a good evening...
I'm wasting time on chatroulette. There's 10 of us trying to find each other. So far only cocks and tits.
Haha. I finished with 5 sets of racks, none of my mates seen and a more dicks than I could care for...
Hahaha, just saw that Jesse Ryder was laughing at the Pakistanis in the crowd after the game, trying to wind them up as they were pulling the finger. :laugh Love him!
Huh, what is chatroulette? An English pastime involving multiple cocks by the sounds of it...


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