Random Thoughts

How can you say 'no' to charity?

Especially if they know your details :noway

Try using the word 'no'. It's not hard, especially if it's middle aged women calling you on the phone. I've never encountered those situations in real life, just via phone. Not hard to say no.
Gee those Mormons get bloody annoying, 2 of them knocked on my door the other day but I was out the back. Instead of moving on they came right down my drive and into my back yard to give me some bullshit piece of paper, I just told them I was too busy to talk.
Gee those Mormons get bloody annoying, 2 of them knocked on my door the other day but I was out the back. Instead of moving on they came right down my drive and into my back yard to give me some bullshit piece of paper, I just told them I was too busy to talk.

Haha yeah, a Jehovah's Witness came to my house one day when me and my mate were home alone, watching the cricket. Hurried her along, piece of paper straight into the bin, back to the lounge.

Cricket > Changing religions.
True story...
A fella I know (wont call him a mate :p) told the mormons that he was also a mormon when they came to his house. After a wee chat, he got them doing the vacuuming and chores around the house, and they came back every week to do the vacuuming :laugh
Not sure how long it went on for, a few weeks though .
True story...
A fella I know (wont call him a mate :p) told the mormons that he was also a mormon when they came to his house. After a wee chat, he got them doing the vacuuming and chores around the house, and they came back every week to do the vacuuming :laugh

Thats made me day :laugh
How can you say 'no' to charity?

Especially if they know your details :noway

What I usually do is crack the door just a little bit so my dog can stick his head out and bark, then with just one small finger on his collar I say "this is not my dog and I do not know how to control him, he might bite"

they usually leave then saying "oh we'll come back later"

My balls ache

stop squeezing them so hard then
stop squeezing them so hard then

I like the fact that you didn't suggest stopping squeezing them, just doing it a bit lighter. :D That's why I like you. You see the bigger picture:p
Sounds like its time to have "the" talk with your parents then TumTum

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