Random Thoughts

I brush my teeth after eating breakfast.

TumTum added 3 Minutes and 5 Seconds later...

Anyways I wake up at 3am or 4am most mornings, and then I manage to fall back to sleep when the sun rises. So annoying.
I'm trying to wake up at 6 AM. Have been successful on a few occasions, but often end up awake at 7/8.
It is 0442 and I am *still* up. I just spent a week with my mate at Northants Uni, getting pissed every night, and now my body clock is ruined. This is going to take ages to put right...

Ah Ben, the joys of uni :laugh My body clock is just broken when I am at uni so I have learnt not to fight it ;)
Well brushing your teeth can put a film of protective layer on your teeth before it comes in contact with food.

Ideally you should brush before and after a meal.
Cricket today! First game of the season. It's a fairly long way to drive for this one so we better get a win.
I've been playing a few tape-ball games recently. We just beat another school's team by like 100 runs, totally owned them. Both sides were a few players short, so they're looking for revenge and we'll be playing a 3 match series soon.

My offspin's been coming out real nice, can't wait to get another crack at their batting lineup.
Tennis ball covered in electrical tape. Spins, doesn't bounce too high, and is harder and heavier. Perfect for cement and tarmac on which we play.

Oh, which reminds me, never go for a diving caught and bowled on cement. I tried it in my last match, and it hurt, and my hand and arms were bleeding.

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