Random Thoughts

Tennis ball cricket is for front foot bullies.

Does anybody know a ball that has the same angle of incidence and angle of reflection (apart from a real cricket ball)?

The tennis ball has an angle of reflection that has no relation to the angle of incidence.
Well brushing your teeth can put a film of protective layer on your teeth before it comes in contact with food.

Ideally you should brush before and after a meal.

Meh, the food tastes ████ if you eat basically straight after. For example, when you wake up and have to go to school, unless you get up shitloads early like a ******, you don't have time to brush your teeth before and after meals.
Meh, the food tastes ████ if you eat basically straight after. For example, when you wake up and have to go to school, unless you get up shitloads early like a ******, you don't have time to brush your teeth before and after meals.

That's why I said "ideally" ;)
You don't play proper cricket then Zorax?
I can and I have, just not recently. Bowl legspin with the hard ball.

Tape ball cricket isn't for front foot bullies though, it's really hard to hit a short ball when on the front foot with the tape ball. Also, it hangs in the air if you hit it hard and in the air, so you're better off keeping the ball on the ground.
Not that anyone should or would care, but I'm dropping out my history degree and converting to a pyschology degree. I'll be able to understand how you all are so screwed up :p
Didn't you drop History before for Law and then change back? How does this work? Do you get to drop out for something else at any time? Seems a bit dodgy to me. Choose a subject and stick with it for god sake :p
TBF, that was right at the beginning of first year and I only did law for a few weeks. I am, however, thoroughly bored of history. If I have to write another essay on stupid women's rights I will go mad. I've always had an interest in pyschology and I go straight into 2nd year with it, so am not too fussed.
Good luck with it Tom, just been for a job interview today, for a Hotel Association management training scheme, it went pretty well, I know need to make some choices and do some thinking, then hopefully get a conditional offer in a few weeks.

I think I'm finally an adult...:eek:
Ohhh, good luck Nigel. Is it with a particular hotel chain? Yeah, I had to do some serious thinking and I couldn't see me going anywhere with history and the end of the day, I am at my happiest when I am helping people. I'm not clever enough for medicine, so this is one of the next best things, imo.
I like Psychology, it's an interesting subject. Plus, we all know you're mental, so it fits. You've got to be happy in you're degree, nothing worse than being sucked of motivation.

No, it's an association which has members (Hotels) then the association sends you on placements to 4 different hotels over 2 years in 4 different departments. All live-in placements, mostly in the south, one nice Spa-Boutique up in the Dales.

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