Random Thoughts

200k, far out. Make sure you save some!

/old woman

You could get a house with that, or a seriously good car. You're so lucky.
That's what my parents are saying. Apart from them being majorly pissed that it got left to me and not them, they are saying I should buy property in Canada with it. Like hell I am, I'm gonna go visit a few car dealerships this summer when I get back from uni. Definetly getting a widescreen TV, Sky Sports etc for the flat though :D

Thank you grandparents who I didn't like for letting fate make me your only grandchild :laugh
Why get a car or a house when you can buy some super dooper awesome servers for PC instead Tom.
What is it in Yen? You'd definately be a millionaire over there. Mind you a sushi roll probably costs a million.
Decided on the car I am going to get now.

The new Golf R which is like a better version of the Golf GTI :D


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