Random Thoughts

I like Psychology, it's an interesting subject. Plus, we all know you're mental, so it fits. You've got to be happy in you're degree, nothing worse than being sucked of motivation.

I reckon it would be interesting. Me the evil right wing Nazi (:p) being all accepting and lovely/touchy-feely :p (We all know I'm a softie at heart ;))

But yeah, I was dreading going back for even one more semester of history, let alone another 2 years after this. Currently torn between going for straight pyschology or doing criminal pyschology and working with the police.

No, it's an association which has members (Hotels) then the association sends you on placements to 4 different hotels over 2 years in 4 different departments. All live-in placements, mostly in the south, one nice Spa-Boutique up in the Dales.

Sounds nice, and certainly seems like a big step up for you on the ladder of life. Any particular department you want to try and get?
Well, you cover: Food Production, Food Service, Front Office and Alcoholic Service/Production.

Eventually I want to work up to GM of a Hotel and eventually my own restaurant.
oh dear.

Went to chester (small city about 40 minutes train form liverpool city centre, for those non-brits) to visit some mates who have went there for uni.

Went with a mate of mine, planned on coming pretty early tuesday, I've not long got home.

On monday I ended up in a different country [wales] after getting pretty lost trying to find their house.
oh dear.

Went to chester (small city about 40 minutes train form liverpool city centre, for those non-brits) to visit some mates who have went there for uni.

Went with a mate of mine, planned on coming pretty early tuesday, I've not long got home.

On monday I ended up in a different country [wales] after getting pretty lost trying to find their house.


@Tom - My mate does Criminal Psychology at Uni and loves it. It's (obviously) geared more towards criminal cases/mindsets etc so if your plan is joining the Police, its your best bet.
oh dear.

Went to chester (small city about 40 minutes train form liverpool city centre, for those non-brits) to visit some mates who have went there for uni.

Went with a mate of mine, planned on coming pretty early tuesday, I've not long got home.

On monday I ended up in a different country [wales] after getting pretty lost trying to find their house.

Hahaha, sounds like you had a sweet time. Reminds me of the time, me and a few mates got drunk and we lost one of us. Got a phonecall the next morning and he was down in Manchester after somehow getting on a train and then waking up in Manchester and having to pay for the ticket :laugh

@Tom - My mate does Criminal Psychology at Uni and loves it. It's (obviously) geared more towards criminal cases/mindsets etc so if your plan is joining the Police, its your best bet.

Yeah, I reckon that might be what I specialise in (we do things a bit differently in the Scottish uni's) Been reading up on the course though and I love the look of it :D
So it looks like I might be starting Hotel management training in September/October. I got offered the position today after an interview on Tuesday and shall be accepting it in the morning, it's subject to references and me finishing and passing my qualification, but I don't see envisage a problem with either of those. It's not set in stone yet, but I am dead excited.
So it looks like I might be starting Hotel management training in September/October. I got offered the position today after an interview on Tuesday and shall be accepting it in the morning, it's subject to references and me finishing and passing my qualification, but I don't see envisage a problem with either of those. It's not set in stone yet, but I am dead excited.

Congrats boss :)

I went to the Minor Injuries Clinic, found out that this:


Is both dislocated and broken.
'Jerkin a hamster? That's sick.

You're lucky though, you only broke a finger, I broke my G+M Icon at Nets last night :( ?160 for a bat that lasts just over a year, brilliant. The toe completely snapped, with a massive chunk coming off the bottom, and then a few minutes later the edge went as well. Just glad I've got a Woodworm Hard Drive to use this season or I'd have been royally pissed off.
You think you guys have problems. I've just found out I'm receiving ?200K from my dead grandparents!!!! Time to hire a Ferrari and drive it down my ex's road giving her the finger, methinks :laugh
Yes, psychotic hamsters float my boat. Love a bit of that ;)

?200k?? Jeez. My cricket membership still needs paying... :)

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