Really giving up with batting?!!

That's what I want to see in the game as well, i.e. some sort of feedback mechanism for batting. Make it optional if majority of the folks don't want it, but do have something the game which tells what we did wrong. Currently I have no clue why I edged the ball or why I hit the ball in the air. Was I late? Was I early? or was it due to poor footwork? Currently I have no means to know where I went wrong and what I need to do to improve my batting.

I keep on edging the spinners when I try to drive them. I have spent enough time practising but still end up edging spinners in the actual match. Things have become so bad for me against spinners that I let the AI face all 6 deliveries from spinners and refuse singles :( A way to get the timing feedback will go a long way in helping us get better at batting, plus I would also request @BigAntStudios to show speed for spinners along with rpm. IMO rpms doesn't help me much but knowing the actual speed the spinner bowls at will help in figuring out the timing a lot.

I keep on edging the spinners when I try to drive them. I have spent enough time practising but still end up edging spinners in the actual match. Things have become so bad for me against spinners that I let the AI face all 6 deliveries from spinners and refuse singles :( A way to get the timing feedback will go a long way in helping us get better at batting, plus I would also request @BigAntStudios to show speed for spinners along with rpm. IMO rpms doesn't help me much but knowing the actual speed the spinner bowls at will help in figuring out the timing a lot.

Not sure if its tough in legend/veteran mode but in pro mode it's comfortable for me to play them. 90% of the times, I go front foot & take it as soon as it pitches( need to wait & get sight of the ball pitching in front of us ). Mid off, mid on, leg side and some times straight if there are no fielders, i keep rotating them without pressing any triggers(just RAS & LAS). Reverse sweep is so handy if there are no fielders as well.
I struggle a lot with batting as well. I can appreciate what big ant has done with the game, its a lot closer to batting as you would experience in a real game though i wonder if its working well in a game context.

There just isn't enough time to react because the visual cues are lacking. In a real game you get great vision of the bowlers arm and hand, point of release etc but in a game you only get 30 fps and a hand full of pixels - imo its just not enough to pick up those key points that make batting more natural in a real game.

so the fact that i have to premeditate a lot of my shots just kills the realism for me. I think what would be a simple and effective fix was if the colour circle actually appeared a little before the bowler actually releases the ball in game (something configurable maybe?) that way i could actually make an intelligent decision on front of back foot shots.

Im only talking like 1 tenth of a second extra time, thats about all it would need, because the game is trying to get you to hone your twitch reflexes, but not everyone can get to a point where it makes the game enjoyable. My two top scores so far are 43 and 20 ... everything else is around 11 or less!

anyway, aside from that im really enjoying the game :-)
premeditating backfoot can be very very dangerous but than M.Irfan almost delivers too many short balls in his every over.
Apart from run out bugs the must fix for batting should be that they drop down AI fielders aggressiveness , AI should act more responsible in pro difficulty (but not just pin us) batting on pro should be easy ! as I stated many times you keep loosing wickets and can't play whole overs no matter how defensive you are. Bigant will loose customers due to hard batting. As newcomers playing on rookie will still have these difficulties. AI vs Human batting both need to be fixed.
They need to slow the bowling for pace bowlers. yeah I know, people will complain, however whats the alternative? premeditating? Remember, just knowing where the ball is going to land, etc is the FIRST step in batting, you still have to:

1. decide what shot to play
2. decide which foot to play it on (drives can be done on both front/back foot)
3. execute the shot
4. time the shot
5. pass the fielder!

Even though you play the perfect 1-4 above....pace bowlers aren't run machines - their job is to either get you out or limit the number of runs they give away, so thats why they have variations such as:

1. slow ball (add the slow ball to the above 1-4 which you thought was going to go fast = potential catch)
2. swing
3. cutters
4. whatever else they can come up with

So its not all easy.
premeditating backfoot can be very very dangerous but than M.Irfan almost delivers too many short balls in his every over.
Apart from run out bugs the must fix for batting should be that they drop down AI fielders aggressiveness , AI should act more responsible in pro difficulty (but not just pin us) batting on pro should be easy ! as I stated many times you keep loosing wickets and can't play whole overs no matter how defensive you are. Bigant will loose customers due to hard batting. As newcomers playing on rookie will still have these difficulties. AI vs Human batting both need to be fixed.

Have you tried R2 and trying to defend any ball? As long as I can curb my instincts for risky running between the wickets, I think I can last the 20 overs of a T20 game.
Ya I tried r2 and r2+L2 too and many have. Did you last a 50 over match ever on pro? Played all the 50 overs? Try to simulate AI batting in an ODI and try to chase it down.
Has anyone got good picking the length in time to either front foot or back foot shot with pre-meditating?

So far I have only played all my shots in front foot shots cause there is just enough time to pick the length of ball and then to decide my foot placement.

Anyone got any tips you can pass on.
Has anyone got good picking the length in time to either front foot or back foot shot with pre-meditating?

So far I have only played all my shots in front foot shots cause there is just enough time to pick the length of ball and then to decide my foot placement.

Anyone got any tips you can pass on.

I'm getting better at it. The only real tip I've got is find a batting camera angle that works best for you (I like Batsman Close).

I still end up on the front foot too often, because I've trained myself into it, but I'm getting better.
They need to slow the bowling for pace bowlers. yeah I know, people will complain, however whats the alternative? premeditating?

As has been suggested before, a freeze or early hud indicator to assist those like yourself who can't or don't want to make a shot decision in real time is a much better alternative, because it doesn't slow down the already very slow delivery speed for those people who can make the decision in real time. And as making the decision in real time is a key point of the actual game it makes more sense for that to be the default.
True. I re-read my post and I have to apologise if it sounded condescending. Half the problem with posting on forums is if you don't word it properly, it sounds really bad! lol (esp if you're trying to work together with everyone to propose better solutions, etc).

An early hud indicator would probably work maybe if they're say 5 steps before ball release...that atleast gives you the chance to decide front/back foot. Yes you would premeditate but thats what batsmen do. I used to watch the master batsmen on TV during bowler runup - usually they'd take a step forward, back foot steps back....then their final foot placement before the bat comes down. So this could roughly be the same?

The rest (including timing, etc) is up to the batsman. Believe me, I WANT batting to be difficult....but batsmen also need a chance as well. Remember, this is county/state we're playing at...not Division 5.
Then leave the realtime judgement to higher difficulties maybe? In pro there could be a better indicator regarding judging short/full, leg/off deliveries.
So, any ideas why the shots I'm trying to play are coming out as completely different ones?

In particular, when I try and pull I'm getting late cuts - although I've also had a few back foot off drives that surprised me because I was trying to cut, and at least once my guy has stepped deep into the off side to play a defensive stroke to a ball that was down leg and the position of the sticks after the stroke would suggest he should have stepped into the off side.

This is why I keep agitating for feedback. If there was some kind of "report" after the stroke showing me the stick position, I could make some sense of things.

As it stands, I'm beginning to believe that the "most appropriate shot will be executed relative to the area on the pitch you wish to hit the ball" has some issues - or that both of my controllers are failing.
Foot placement plays a big part, and so does timing. I've done a fine leg glance even though I know my footwork and shot were directly at the ball and should have been a on drive.. but when I thought back and looked at the replay, it was because my timing was so late (to try and keep it down) that the game couldn't do anything else but flick it to fine leg.

I think an indicator as to where your sticks were pointing when the shot was played is more informative than a 'early/ideal/late' timer, because sometimes you aim for late, but was it a good late or a bad late? I think the only bad thing about giving direction of control sticks feedback visually is that people that don't realise timing affects the shot that is played will complain when they do the exact same movement to the same delivery, not understanding the timing factor.

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