Really giving up with batting?!!

So I'm 55 off about 48 deliveries, had to save and exit because apparently it's important to share the television, but I noticed before I retired for the evening that my fatigue levels were almost half way and that when I attempted a "power" shot it sorta just dribbled out of Long On...

...I'm not the fittest person on the planet, but I'm pretty confident I can stick it out for 40 balls and still have a bit of power in my shots, surely fatigue isn't kicking in that fast and cutting out any over the top shots?
If its any consolation to anyone I have just suffered an innings defeat to Scotland (I am only batting for now - autogenerate the bowling). As some others are experiencing, finding batting so hard, not just staying in, but getting runs as well. One thing that is frustrating me is I press R2 to play a defensive shot and the ball goes flying straight into the hands of the fielders behind the bowler, sometimes as well I notice a boundary comes off when Im pressing R2, anyone else experience this?
I have one question to all,are you playing a shot by seeing the ball placement or by looking the field ?
I think there needs to be something set up to tell you when you've got it right/wrong because it's a total crapshoot and I swear to god sometimes I think I've creamed it over the boundary, it ends up going straight up in the air to Mid Off slower than a zeppelin.
This is a interesting point made by BAS in the first impressions thread, that hadn't actually occurred to me:

I think that the issue is the early, ideal (to some degree a misleading word), late do not equate to bad, good, bad - it is reasonable to go early or late depending on the ball/shot selection.

I was reading the timing indicator in the nets as exactly bad, good, bad and thinking of it that way.

And I'd still like an option to get feedback on stick position and timing.

I also just read something in the manual that I didn't pick up at all - apparently the colour of the indicator changes to white during the "ideal" window. Back to match practise I go ...
I have one question to all,are you playing a shot by seeing the ball placement or by looking the field ?

my shot selection is primarily based on the field which is set.

I think in feedback terms, a small HUD showing the direction you played the LAS and RAS, maybe colour coded on timing might be useful. Because you can time it perfectly and get out if you move wrong/play the wrong shot.

This would be great feedback, could be unobtrusive and optional too

Yup, there should be a way to get some sort of feedback in terms of timing and the footwork for the delivery you just played. It can be an optional display if others don't want it and maybe we can turn it off once you get the hang of timing for different shots. This display can be shown along with the pace of the delivery so you know what timing works for which pace.

Also, showing pace at which spinners bowl instead of rpm would be more helpful for the same reason as above, i.e. timing is based on speed/pace of the delivery and not rpm. Or at the very least pace for spinners can be added along with rpm, if not replace rpm.
I also just read something in the manual that I didn't pick up at all - apparently the colour of the indicator changes to white during the "ideal" window. Back to match practise I go ...
Only on lower difficulties it does , just for 200 ms or so.
Timing meter is vital especially when batting is so hard. If it can be added, it can solve a lot of aerial shot problems.
So, any ideas why the shots I'm trying to play are coming out as completely different ones?

In particular, when I try and pull I'm getting late cuts - although I've also had a few back foot off drives that surprised me because I was trying to cut, and at least once my guy has stepped deep into the off side to play a defensive stroke to a ball that was down leg and the position of the sticks after the stroke would suggest he should have stepped into the off side.

This is why I keep agitating for feedback. If there was some kind of "report" after the stroke showing me the stick position, I could make some sense of things.

As it stands, I'm beginning to believe that the "most appropriate shot will be executed relative to the area on the pitch you wish to hit the ball" has some issues - or that both of my controllers are failing.

you might want to try invert the batting controls, somewhere in the options. It all depends on what camera you are using as well.

I find sometimes i want to cut and it drives, I think its just where you are putting the controller, if you miss the direction it is just a totally different shot.

for spinners i just sweep/reverse sweep and block. No drives and nothing fancy at all. For pace I start by blocking and only clipping it off my pads if its down leg until they plug that gap. Then there is normally free space on the off side or straight and I try hit that gap when I can. Cut is my favorite shot though it is awful when you pick the yorker to do it.
Timing meter is vital especially when batting is so hard. If it can be added, it can solve a lot of aerial shot problems.

problem is, as noted above a timing metre doesn't really work, since you can legitimately play "late" and this doesn't equate to bad. (i think it applies less to early). so what is really ideal can't be computed until you have played the shot.

it's not a metre we need, rather a feedback mechanism. so my idea would be you've played a shot and you see the direction you played both LAS and RAS, and a colour-code on RAS for timing.

so maybe you got bowled around your legs, and you see you moved LAS wrong, you were caught and bowled on your cover drive and you see you played early and moved RAS too straight. at the same time, your cut down to third man shows colour code late, but you know this is exactly what you wanted, because you wanted it behind square.
Timing meter is vital especially when batting is so hard. If it can be added, it can solve a lot of aerial shot problems.

Nah, we don't need it. Its not hard to work out whether you've timed the shot or not. Thats the beauty of cricket. How many times have we seen good batsmen mishit and still get the ball to the boundary? It happens. All you can do is learn from it - thats what I do. IRL, you don't have a batting meter - you just have you to decide whether you've done well or not.

You won't always get the same ball in the same spot every time. Someone posted on here that early shot = raised, late shot = ground and it works. Quite a few times I've done a late leg glance and just seen the ball dribble to fine leg which is what you'd expect it should do.

So...I say, leave it out. Want to get better? Hit the nets (thats what I do). What we SHOULD be asking for is to be able to use OUR career batsman in the nets, not 99 rated Sir Don Bradman. If my late cuts are slow because my players' skills are low...then let me practice how early I need to play the shot. Maybe if we had this as an option (in the career menu screen instead of 'Play next game'), that would relieve some angst re batting.
If its any consolation to anyone I have just suffered an innings defeat to Scotland (I am only batting for now - autogenerate the bowling). As some others are experiencing, finding batting so hard, not just staying in, but getting runs as well. One thing that is frustrating me is I press R2 to play a defensive shot and the ball goes flying straight into the hands of the fielders behind the bowler, sometimes as well I notice a boundary comes off when Im pressing R2, anyone else experience this?

I would hazard a guess it's not depressed fully. When I play with r2 it kills the ball dead.

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