Russia 122 for 2 at Lunch

Well, this is where there has to be some sense in the relative skills and relative probabilities - fact is if the batsman is poor against yorkers, and the bowler is a Malinga/Waqar type, you would expect them to get out to "good" yorkers more often than not - the key is how that relates to the other strengths and weaknesses - vs pace, vs swing/reverse swing, etc. and is just giving you a probability.

if they're facing a yorker from a bowler with a lesser yorker skill, or even a waqar but the user input is poor, or it's a medium pacer etc. then obviously the probability of dismissal has to be lower.

I think this is a very good reason why bowling accuracy needs to be implemented in the next version.
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I don't know if I would go as specific as say X player has a weakness for Y delivery. Because, the practicalities may be overwhelming for the code guys, let alone your average gamer. ...but perhaps a more easier-to-implement/understand option might be "general" weaknesses, for example "Short Balls" or "Full Length" and the slide bar (or similar) lets you ajust how weak, read: probability of weakness. <10 and you've got a probability of getting them out >10 you've got less, and so on. I agree, setting weaknesses shouldn't be used as exploits, but if they're general enough and you're able to ajust the probability of getting them out, then it's virtually unlimited in scope.

...especially if you can 'double up slots' and have multiple weaknesses, you can truely create a realistic Chris Martin.
Some of the ideas banded about are on the right track, assigning weaknesses etc, I can imagine this would be difficult to implement, also if a player is susceptible to the Yorker for instance, as Mattw said, you don't want him to be getting out every time, sure add a timing delay or something, but even the worst No 11 batsman at test level would be able to dig it out if he was "waiting" for it. Its the same as playing a cut shot for instance(I've mentioned it somewhere before) while you would expect a Lara to be able to place the ball in the gaps, you would also expect tailenders to nick it more often or not place it as well. Maybe an algorithm that impacts the probability of the ball goin where the inputs are pointing could be tied to a batsmans skill level. The algorithm could be tied to timing maybe, so if the imputs are perfectly timed, the shot is played correctly, but the margin of error is less the lower the skill level.but it should also be effected by the skill level of the competion. I have played cricket at club level with players that didn't make the grade in 1st class cricket, but would absolutely decimate bowling attacks or batting line ups week after week, consistently. I once saw Graeme Hick smash a 2nd XI bowler for 5 6s in an over in a charity match, his 1st class stats are pretty decent, but at test match level, he choked, Ramprakash is another example of this, fantastic batsman, shite test average. How could the ability to handle pressure be implemented?
How could the ability to handle pressure be implemented?

for me, it would be as simple as a modifier. so the skill bar for "temperament" would apply a modifier, from a range of "-0.25" for no temperament factor, through to "+0.10" for full bar, with half way meaning no modifier.

So all your skills would be modified by as much as a 25% reduction for Ian Bell (should really be -1,000,000%) or actually increased by up to 10% to model a "gutsy" player.

Whether the temperament modifier gets implemented or not would be triggered by things like number of wickets in the last few overs, runs scored in last few overs, number of balls/wickets/runs to get left in innings, required run rates, hat trick ball etc. again, all of these factors would be known before a delivery commences, so there is no processing overhead
I really admire the way Cricket Heroes does things: it is a one man project that has an incredible depth and subtlety to it. The graphics let it down somewhat. It could be worthwhile getting @kurtkz onboard here to hear how he has done this with Cricket Heroes....
Also while I'm still awake another thing came to me. When I play on amateur which is about my level batting wise im fairly consistent etc, however if I'm playing legend/veteran I'm useless, so my suggestion is to somehow tie the players skill level to the skill levels in game. For instance, batting with Lara against Russia should be like batting on rookie, but batting with Tufnell vs SA/Aus etc should be like playing on veteran/legend. Although I have no idea how you could code this, it would definately nullify any flaws in the attributes assigned. Maybe @blockerdave or one of the guys who have been experimenting with reduced skills could try playing on high levels with poor batters to see if there are more realistically representative of how you'd expect a tailender to play. When I have tried to play on legend in the past I have definately played as bad as a tailender even with openers(playing and missing, playing wrong line, scoring steaky runs) but maybe some of you tech savvy guys can see and explain if this could work better than the current system?
for me, it would be as simple as a modifier. so the skill bar for "temperament" would apply a modifier, from a range of "-0.25" for no temperament factor, through to "+0.10" for full bar, with half way meaning no modifier.

So all your skills would be modified by as much as a 25% reduction for Ian Bell (should really be -1,000,000%) or actually increased by up to 10% to model a "gutsy" player.

Whether the temperament modifier gets implemented or not would be triggered by things like number of wickets in the last few overs, runs scored in last few overs, number of balls/wickets/runs to get left in innings, required run rates, hat trick ball etc. again, all of these factors would be known before a delivery commences, so there is no processing overhead

Yep I agree that its definately more immersive if you know when coming in to bat when you're 3 down for not many is going to activate some form of "pressure" but again i think that could be implemented by upping the skill level by 1 until you've played yourself in a bit, or (if you're bowling) until you've managed to lower the run rate or take a wicket.
Glad to announce that Kurt, the developer of the brilliant game Cricket Heroes, has kindly agreed to have a look at the thread and see if he can add anything to the mix that will help us and perhaps BA work on ways of implementing a system that programs for the subtle things that make cricket such a brilliant and indepth pressure Kurt!

Cricket Heroes

Dont be fooled by the graphics: this is a very, very, very detailed cricket game!

I am not trying to advertise here (the darn thing is free anyway!) but what strikes me with CH is that has Kurt has managed to account for the things we are talking about in his cricket game...
Yeah a lot of it is people bashing....ignore them!

or head over to the:

I'd like to see confidence play a bigger part. I reckon it should be linked to the timing window for batting and depending on the rating of the batsman, would determine the amount these two factors would increase/decrease.

For example: A highly rated batsman is on 20% confidence, he hits a couple of boundaries in an over and his confidence goes up to 50% along with a large increase in his timing window, whereas a tailender in the same situation would only see an increase of say 5% and a small increase in the timing window. Form should also have an effect.

A similar situation would be the case for the opposite, such as dot balls, play and misses, poorly timed shots, edges etc. Being struck by a delivery would result in confidence reducing to zero for all batsmen no matter the rating.

For bowlers, I would have confidence linked to their accuracy, swing/turn and pace/flight.
A highly rated batsman is on 20% confidence, he hits a couple of boundaries in an over and his confidence goes up to 50% along with a large increase in his timing window, whereas a tailender in the same situation would only see an increase of say 5% and a small increase in the timing window. Form should also have an effect.
Idea of considering confidence for timing window is pretty good. I wonder whether we can consider form in the confidence level. I guess form will come into picture while playing career mode. But I dont understand how can we calculate form when playing casual matches, online etc. As these matches are played based on the skill level (like high rated batsmen, tailender etc.,) and the confidence is related only to that match.

Please correct me if I am wrong.

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