Sachin Tendulkar vs Brian Lara

Who is the better test batsman?

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^ There's nothing disrespectful about a reasoned discussion of someone's strengths and weaknesses. I do think it's a shame that 80% of the thread is dross, though. Like this post:

WestIndian added 6 Minutes and 26 Seconds later...Kid, this goes on to show your little knowledge of West Indies cricket, Lara's knocks were always match saving, and in some cases winning!!!

Laddie, clearly you're not paying much attention to what I've actually written. I pointed out that Tendulkar has been criticised for choking at those points, not Lara. I'm trying to help you mount a defence of Lara that isn't just petulant name-calling.

Here's another pro-Lara argument: when Lara was in peak form, he dominated bowling attacks more than Tendulkar did. Although he lacked somewhat in consistency, consistency isn't everything.
Brian Lara was Glenn McGrath's bunny. :laugh

What a little rat Brian Lara was though. Once Glenn McGrath hit Lara in the head with a bouncer and then Lara run down the wicket and then tried to shoulder-barge McGrath when McGrath's back was turned and then he started hurling verbal abuse at McGrath.

McGrath dismissed Lara 15 times in Test Cricket.

aussie_ben91 added 2 Minutes and 0 Seconds later...

In that case then why wouldn't you want a more reliable batsman?

What did the great Mc Grath say in an interview. He simply said that in technique, Tendulkar is more solid, but on his day Brian Lara will dominate any bowling attack. " I put Lara ahead just by a bit " These were not the actual words but if I can retrieve the interview for you, it will tell for itself. Yes true Lara was dismissed 15 times by Glenn, but Lara scored at least 7 hundreds including a couple doubles when Glenn was in the attack. So I would say 55-45 f/o Glenn. But the great man has agreed that he put Lara ahead of Sachin, just his opinion, Ben.
Australians are biased when it comes to Tendulkar because he has scored runs against us.

Scoring runs against Australia is not the sole indicator of a batsman's ability.

Australians are also biased when it comes to rating India as a cricket team because India has done well against us.

It is like Rocks saying Paper is the best, and Scissors saying Paper is useless.

Do South Africans rate India as highly as Australians do? No, because South Africa do better against India than Australia do.

Also, if Hayden is such a genius because he scored runs in India, that should make Younis Khan the best batsman in the world shouldn't it?
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Geez, I expected the Indians to be defensive about Tendulkar but some of the West Indies fans are just as vocal.

For example, all of the points Dare makes get beaten, so he brings up points (that have already been outargued) from earlier in the thread, just to make it look like his being competitive in the arguement. I say one thing and he completely misreads what I'm saying and the point where I'm coming from and he makes out that I'm saying that Lara was a completely muppet that should've been playing blind cricket. He not only does it once, but the majority of the time. It's incredible.

Annnnnnd, Slowcoach drops in with his 2 cents that no one seems care about, as per usual. Thought, I'd be nice and mention him in this post because no one really ever seems to take much notice of him or his opinion on this forum. There was the one time where someone did quote his post and he replied saying something along of the lines of "I'm glad I'm not like you". It was funny because the general consensus probably feels pretty much the same towards him.
For example, all of the points Dare makes get beaten, so he brings up points (that have already been outargued) from earlier in the thread, just to make it look like his being competitive in the arguement. I say one thing and he completely misreads what I'm saying and the point where I'm coming from and he makes out that I'm saying that Lara was a completely muppet that should've been playing blind cricket. He not only does it once, but the majority of the time. It's incredible.

what has been outargued?
The only thing you have on Lara is one clip and that's it, you haven't brought anything else of value.

When you say that his technique was shocking, appalling, horrendous, flawed yea you are pretty much saying that he is a muppet.
Screw the general consensus.

Not so long ago the "general consensus" was that human rights should not apply to women or non whites.

Read "The Lord of the Flies" and you might understand the fact that the majority is not always correct. Sure, they might have the power to out-vote and dominate, but it doesn't mean they are right.

Or you might be like every other person in my year at school and not understand that book at all.

99% of people believing 1 times 1 equals 9 doesn't mean they are right, what it means is that they are all as stupid as eachother.
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what has been outargued?
The only thing you have on Lara is one clip and that's it, you haven't brought anything else of value.

When you say that his technique was shocking, appalling, horrendous, flawed yea you are pretty much saying that he is a muppet.
That clip was an example. Obviously, their aren't going to be tons of clips of Lara getting out youtube because so many admire him. Even so, watch Lara when he did make runs, he did the exact same thing. He got himself into an awful position and was very vunarable early on in his innings. It worked for him when he had his eye in but not so much when he didn't.

He had a phenomenal hand-eye coordination and concentration but had a poor technique. How many times do I have to say it before it sticks in your head? He had a phenomenal hand-eye coordination and concentration, which made up for his bad technique but his hand-eye and concentration didn't help him early on in his innings because he didn't have his eye in - Hence why he wasn't consistant and made so many low scores.

If you believe that he had a good technique that you know nothing about the art of batting.
That clip was an example. Obviously, their aren't going to be tons of clips of Lara getting out youtube because so many admire him. Even so, watch Lara when he did make runs, he did the exact same thing. He got himself into an awful position and was very vunarable early on in his innings. It worked for him when he had his eye in but not so much when he didn't.

Actually there would be lots of clips of him being bowled the way Waqar bowled him if it happened the majority of the time. That was a perfect ball and the only other way Lara could have played it was to let it hit his foot and get hurt or what not.
Lara had 34 centuries, 22 000 international runs and it looks to me that he got his eye in a whole lot of time when he played his cricket.

He had a phenomenal hand-eye coordination and concentration but had a poor technique. How many times do I have to say it before it sticks in your head? He had a phenomenal hand-eye coordination and concentration, which made up for his bad technique but his hand-eye and concentration didn't help him early on in his innings because he didn't have his eye in - Hence why he wasn't consistant and made so many low scores.

Lara wasn't consistent? And yes he did have phenomenal hand eye coordination.
His hand eye coordination clearly helped him early on because he did go on to make 34 hundreds (9 doubles).

If you believe that he had a good technique that you know nothing about the art of batting.

Dont make me quote my self man, It just shows that you don't read what I write. Go back and read what I said about Laras technique.
Dare said:
Lara had 34 centuries, 22 000 international runs and it looks to me that he got his eye in a whole lot of time when he played his cricket.
This i why you don't understand anything and why I have to keep repeating myself.

Lara made BIG scores, allot of them. He also failed allot. If he was more consistant then his average would've been higher then 52. When he got his eye in, his cashed in big time but when he didn't, he struggled because of a poor technique.

How many times do I have to repeat myself?

Dare said:
Dont make me quote my self man, It just shows that you don't read what I write. Go back and read what I said about Laras technique.
You said that his technique is fine. But it's not. It's not the same technique that you would teach to a child. He gets his bat & hands into an awful position. Look at his hand and bat position.

This i why you don't understand anything and why I have to keep repeating myself.

Lara made BIG scores, allot of them. He also failed allot. If he was more consistant then his average would've been higher then 52. When he got his eye in, his cashed in big time but when he didn't, he struggled because of a poor technique.

How many times do I have to repeat myself?

Lara didn't fail "allot", he had bad patches like many others in this sport. Some because of injuries others because mental or other issues. If he had failed allot he wouldn't be where is atm.

You said that his technique is fine. But it's not. It's not the same technique that you would teach to a child. He gets his bat & hands into an awful position. Look at his hand and bat position.

I said Laras technique was fine for him, I also said that he had flaws in his technique just like any other batsman.

Read the god damn posts man.

Again with that one pic dude, like I said perfect deliver to a left hander. Get me one that's going to be able to play that ball out in those conditions.

Also as you can see that is a wet wicket, you can clearly see the wet spots on it.


Go and find Waqars 6-59 vs Australia in 01, look at the way Hayden played that yorker. Look at the bat and look at the position. Yorkers like the one Lara and Hayden got arent the easiest to play at all, nothing that can be done about them but hope that nothing gets broken. Dont judge on one ball. Or innings or series for that matter.
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I don't think Ben is bashing Lara. I think that he's giving Lara respect by saying he could have been so much better if he altered his high bat swing a little. He's not disregarding any of his accomplishments, he just saying that Lara could have done even better if he fixed that.
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I don't think Ben is bashing Lara. I think what he's giving Lara respect by saying he could have been so much better if he altered his high bat swing a little. He's not disregarding any of his accomplishments, he just saying that Lara could have done even better if he fixed that.

LOL so you don't consider calling his technique, shocking, appalling, horrendous, flawed and whatever else bashing a guy.
Dare; said:
LOL so you don't consider calling his technique, shocking, appalling, horrendous, flawed and whatever else bashing a guy.

Dare, don't waste your time, it's ironic that my post gets deleted for call Ben a prick, which is what he is, (a know-it-all-jack-of-all-master-of-none), but is all well and good for him to call Lara "a little rat", suddenly there are no mods in here, this is the reality of minority and majority, power to the masses!!
And yet some has the balls to say it's not bashing, well what a fine way to give support, such love for Lara, wow!!!
Dare, don't waste your time, it's ironic that my post gets deleted for call Ben a prick, which is what he is, (a know-it-all-jack-of-all-master-of-none), but is all well and good for him to call Lara "a little rat", suddenly there are no mods in here, this is the reality of minority and majority, power to the masses!!
And yet some has the balls to say it's not bashing, well what a fine way to give support, such love for Lara, wow!!!

You didn't know that ben rolls around with a posy of mods that protect him from getting into trouble.
But yea getting anywhere with that dude is impossible.

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