"See how many we get" mafia - Endgame. BKB1991, mafia, wins

This is getting annoying. I think I am repeating myself but here it goes.

You have been claiming throughout that I have been holding back information so I apparently know more than i am saying? My point was that the main quote you are using against me was me refering to Night 0, when even if I was mafia I would have known jackshit, so I dont know how you can conlude I know more than I was saying.

This is absurd. The first two lines were grouped together because I couldnt come up with an explanation for either of them separately. I actually thought they were referring to the same thing and yes that goes against my theory but what explanation can you come up with for the first two lines? Furthermore, every sentence at Night 0 didnt continue on to the next line (i.e. each line had a period at the ending and wasnt continued on the next line) which I thought could also mean that the the second line was actually a continuation of the first and the only reason it was second was because the sentence didnt fit in the first line. I didnt really thing it mattered that much that I would be grilled on this hence I didnt bother explaining that :rolleyes

I don't know how many times I've repeated myself in mafia games, it's a pretty normal occurrence when not everyone is paying attention to everything. This was only the second time you've responded to my suspicions, so I'm not sure why you're so agitated about it.

If you were mafia you would know jackshit you say, but someone like an Usurper or 3rd party would have a good idea about what those two lines meant.

You asked what explanation I can come up with for those two lines, and I've given numerous throughout the game. Right now I think the first line is mafia meeting, while the second is Usurper/3rd party laughing together at mafia/town.

The BD thing doesn't really mean much to me, whether the role is real or not, or if you guessed it or whatever, but reading through the first couple of days and your later explanation not really following events, it is incredibly suspicious to me that you seemed to deviate from the original story.

From the latest write-up, there is someone that no-one has paid much attention to, and it appears that a mafia role cop is getting results each night. You haven't had suspicion cast on you at all, other than from me today, nor have you been targeted by town PR's, so there's more to be suspicious of.

As for my role I am the Forensics Expert, and basically I can find clues of the person killed at night. Unfortunately no death means no work for me yet.:

Somewhat plausible claim. Only thing I'd question is that it is called Forensic Investigator on mafiascum, where the role names seem to have come from.

Bus Driver is known as Driver on epic
Jailkeeper as Jailer

Manly's was the only one that didn't fit mafiascum, and we know how that turned out.


And Yudi is going to get modkilled now, isn't he? So there is no point lynching him. I am almost sure PD is third party, but he doesn't seem too harmful right now, so might as well leave him and who knows we'll know more about him on Night 3? Only Sim and BKB are left to choose from, and I am not sure who to lynch.

Yeah I'm in the same place.. I will say that I found Sim trying to sway me into thinking Zhuorb and Varun aren't town is a bit suspicious. Not to mention being jailkept and no kill :p

Just haven't found BKB to be his usual helpful self and some suspicious things going on there.

If Manly and Yudi are both mafia given their almost identical appearance on Day 1, and PD is 3rd party, then surely only one of BKB and Sim are the remaining mafia.
Not much progress going on here.. There's nothing much I can add that isn't already there for others to look at. User's been very quiet today too.

If we make a decision on Sim or BKB soon, we can rid ourselves of Yudi too, so I suggest everyone make up their minds who they think is the scummiest and we get this over with and see what tonight/tomorrow brings.
A couple of things incase a lynch is hammered before I return..

If one of PD, User or Zhuorb are individuals, then the innocent results suggest their win condition is generally positive for the town. I mentioned earlier that they could play in a favourable way to the mafia despite Colin deciding they're innocent roles, but their win condition would prohibit that.

Also I think there's a possibility that the mafia role cop learns the sanity of the town cop when investigating, so take from that what you will.

And Zhuorb, while you might think lynching Manly was all your doing, absolutely no one was interested until someone put a case forward. Doesn't seem like many are rushing to follow you with Sim unless you actually post all these tells and thoughts you've been keeping to yourself this whole time.
Is Yudi going to get modkilled? Otherwise I'm going to lynch him since he's the most logical choice.
Every one of the recent games Yudi has played has been accompanied with some kind of low activity. Also, seriously Sedition, I'm town aligned. There's really not much more I can say or do. I've revealed my intentions, my thoughts and every single one of my night roles. On top of that I've turned up town in the cop results and had the mafia attempt to lynch me off.

Let it go people, move on, and actually make some bloody progress please :rolleyes
I can somewhat understand the exasperation PD, it's hard enough even as a confirmed cop to have people take notice :p My result didn't say town though, it said you are innocent, which doesn't rule out a lot of those 3rd party roles you brought up.

I seem to be the only one everyone thinks is clear, and I complete the link between Zhuorb and Varun, but people are still suspicious of them even.

Not that I want to drag this out much further, and I'm pretty set on BKB at this point, but Themer you should probably make a full claim.

If I was usurper I think I'd of gone after Manly a bit more aggressively than I did. My role isnt something I choose to use either, self defence blud.

Another night, another abject lack of the BD being mentioned.

I'm on my phone Sim so it often says I'm viewing pages. Give us ten minutes to drag myself out of bed, get on the PC and I'll have a look.

That's me. Like I said my role is self defensive in the sense that if I come into any harm my "family" will look after me. Bit of an interesting role really and its why I was so belligerent earlier on against PD.

You've already hinted enough at the important part, might aswell go ahead and claim fully at this point.
Hmm guess he had to sleep on it.

Unlynch: BKB for now, no one else seems to want to bite.
Maybe it's time for a summary post. People can quote it and add to it with anything I'm missing.

User2010 - investigated by Sedition. Innocent result.
Yudi - Inactive.
Puddleduck - Bus Driver. Night 1 - Andri/Puddle. Night 2 - Mark/Puddle. Night 3 - Sedition/Varun.
Varun - Watcher. No results of use.
Simsanta - Hated Townie.
Manly - Lynched - Mafia.
Zhuorb - Jailkeeper.
Themer - ?
BKB1991 - Forensics Expert.
Sedition - Cop.

I can't remember if Themer has actually claimed or not. If he's claiming bulletproof townie/bomb style role I might actually believe him. As if he did feel I could be mafia, it would make sense that he was keen for me to potentially night target him.

Hang on... Themer, are you bulletproof townie??? That would explain the no kill when I swapped me and Mark. I was pretty sure the mafia would target me that night, and I swapped me and Mark.
I'm just going to save time and prod Yudi now. Shouldn't affect the game balance as he was the individual aligned survivor. Ironically he was unlynchable... (albeit unknown to him)

Yudi is dead. He was Individual Aligned.
Ok, well I never thought he was mafia. Your writeup has made it clear that the mafia is someone who has slipped by and is a confirmed town. Maybe someone will listen to me now :rolleyes


Oh, and maybe someone will realise I'm not bloody 3rd party either now :lol
I'd like to think my write-ups haven't made anything clear ;)

"Pultan" indeed.


Oh and going from 9 to 8 doesn't change the hammer number. Still 5 needed to lynch.
User2010 - investigated by Sedition. Innocent result.
Yudi - Dead. Individual aligned.
Puddleduck - Bus Driver. Night 1 - Andri/Puddle. Night 2 - Mark/Puddle. Night 3 - Sedition/Varun.
Varun - Watcher. No results of use.
Simsanta - Hated Townie. Blocked by Zhuorb when no killed occurred.
Manly - Lynched - Mafia.
Zhuorb - Jailkeeper. Has blocked Varun when no kill happened and Sim when no killed happened.
Themer - ?
BKB1991 - Forensics Expert
Sedition - Cop - Innocent on User, Zhu, and Puddle.


I'd like to think my write-ups haven't made anything clear ;)

"Pultan" indeed.



The write ups have given some clues, but no more than that. Pultan was amusing :p
Ok, well I never thought he was mafia. Your writeup has made it clear that the mafia is someone who has slipped by and is a confirmed town. Maybe someone will listen to me now :rolleyes


Oh, and maybe someone will realise I'm not bloody 3rd party either now :lol

Hmm, so you're not 3rd party. Must be mafia and I'm naive.

Lynch: P.. Kidding ;)

Still waiting on that claim from Themer I guess. I have some reasons to lynch Sim since BKB's contradictions are going unnoticed, but I'll leave it up to Zhuorb to make the case against him since he's so sure.
wow! unlynchable survivor..golden chance for yudi. pity he blew it
interesting claim there from bkb. i hvnt heard of it before tbh, but since sedition says it is on mafiascum, i guess it is possible .
sedition, about me throwing suspicions on varun and zhourb, i must confess till the end of last day, i was very convinced they were both town. i only started having doubts once pd raised this point abt the "we dont like ur type arnd here" stuff. and zhourb accussing me of being mafia didnt go down too well with me. but then it is justified for him to be so enthusiastic to lynch me. i remember in a game i was jack of all trades and i had got aditya as mafia, and the very next night, i confidently killed him off only to find he was miller! so yes, prs can get very sure of their night actions.
the thing is i cant really defend myself unless someone builds a casr against me. so fire away ur questions and i'll answer them all truthfully.

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