Shravan's Signatures and Wallpapers(Requests:Off)

Come on guys. It would really help if you commented on the sig and the wallpaper. I need to know what people make of them.
I just made this sig quickly, so don't be too harsh with your comments.


This sig is slightly better.

Nice work shrav... well done :clap

I liked Dravid of all and was confused with no 19 for some time but got it now :) if i am rite, its his shirt no! ;)
Looks nice, but lighter back ground like simple blue( as the red shirt is dark) wud have made the sig more attractive!

Well done shravi!
I'd give that sig an 8/10 Shravi; I'd move it to a 9 if only the white designs where reduced in opacity and blended in to the sig a bit more. Top effort though.

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