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If the fan is not working, system restore won't do anything. Heck, he won't be able to get to system restore before his CPU burns.
Get it properly cleaned, and if required, get the fans changed.
And till you get your fans changed , place you somputer where there is cool air . :D
Got a problem my computer was working properly till yesterday.Yesterday when i tried to start the computer it didn't started and it took me an hour to start the computer everytime i started the computer Keyboard,Mouse Etc all lights up and than the computer crashes and i found out that 1 of the 2 backside fans is not working.

Any suggestions :)

Have your psu checked out.
Just a quick one. I got a new Desktop PC today booted up fine installed windows and a few games etc, and had it running through a TV with HDMI. I then wanted to organise the cords and stuff so I shut it down and it installed all the updates. Once I fixed everything I booted it back up and it was loading up and finishing installing updates. Then all of a sudden it said 'Shutting down', just as it shut down the screen cut out and just says 'No signal'. I've tried re-booting but it just keeps saying no signal. The TV and cord are both fine because my PS3 runs fine through it. I think it's just a setting that has been denied on re-boot, maybe to do with the resolution or something, but I don't have a VGA cord or anything to try out so the computer is running but I can't see anything...

Any suggestions?
Just to get the simplest one out of the way first - do you by any chance have a graphics card as well as on board graphics? On my PC I have two HDMI outputs, because one is on the motherboard and one is on the graphics card - but only the graphics card one will output a picture.

Otherwise, the updates might have been a driver update, one that might have either disabled or not made HDMI the default. Rebooting in safe mode (restart and mash F8 and choose Safe mode with networking from the list) - then if you get something on the screen either undo the updates or look for a new driver download.
So you reorganized the cards without changing the outputs? You know what would be lovely your system details like type of mobo and gpu etc etc

But to make the story short if you were using the onboard do the following. Connect back to it and uninstall those drivers first. Remove all your gpu drivers from previous or old ones to latest once you installed. Once you did that connect it back up again then do your driver update.
i have installed ea cricket 12 but it is auto quitting too frequently:facepalm:mad
Now i am getting 2 short beeps what does that mean
Now i am getting 2 short beeps what does that mean
That is a parity error. It could be 2 things. Either your system ram or your mobo. But most time it is the ram. Remove all your ram 1 stick at a time try them in different slots. Then run a mem test on it
Hi, can anyone who is a seasoned Excel user help me out?
I'm currently compiling stats for my league and How can I replace the error "#DIV/0!" with some sort of message when it is not applicable for that player? For example, you can't work out the average for a bowler who hasn't taken wickets.
My only thoughts would be either to delete the value, then copy the formula back in when it has something to calculate, or to use conditional formatting to white out the text if it says the error message.
My only thoughts would be either to delete the value, then copy the formula back in when it has something to calculate.

If I wanted to do that then I wouldn't have asked the question in the first place.
Gone with the latter, thanks. :thumbs
Hi, can anyone who is a seasoned Excel user help me out?
I'm currently compiling stats for my league and How can I replace the error "#DIV/0!" with some sort of message when it is not applicable for that player? For example, you can't work out the average for a bowler who hasn't taken wickets.

Assuming you have runs given in cell A1, and wickets taken in B1, you can use the formula:

e.g. =IFERROR(A1/B1,0)

I hope you understand the usage of the formula, and can apply it according to your needs. If you need any help, let me know.

I guess you'll need Office 2007 or newer to use this function however.

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