Story Soon on Planet Cricket...

I'm thinking of giving the Celebrity Cricket Survivor or something similar a go again, but need to know first, can we start and end polls ourselves on our own threads yet or do you still need to ask a mod? Figured it should be in the coming soon thread because if we can do it ourselves, the story is coming soon.
Fair enough, probably won't happen then. My only real idea involved regular changing of polls, can't be bothered with that extra hassle of getting mods to do it. It wouldn't have lasted that long anyway, I always lose interest in those things.
I don't mind responding to your PMs, Tassie. I'll be able to change them whenever you like really, I'm on most days(of not everyday...).
I'm going to do a diary featuring scores from different cricket games and other random waffle, sort of like a blog of my cricket gaming experiences.

I am too useless and unmotivated to bother trying to start another story, finishing a match is difficult enough, so a blog/diary thing it will have to be.
Thinking of doing a diary entry, kind of, in the view of a fan. It's something different which I might try to do. Has anyone done it before?
Does that mean you will stop your Bangladesh story Jaz?
Nope, think I will get them both going at the same time. Not sure though, I'd predict it will stay open for a little while longer at least. ;)

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