Story Soon on Planet Cricket...

Thinking of doing a diary entry, kind of, in the view of a fan. It's something different which I might try to do. Has anyone done it before?

I remember a while back giving Arslaan that idea. I think it would be class if you presented it in the right way. I think day-by-day diary entries would be the way to go. Add some humour, stats and pics and it would look great.
Yeah that's how I was going to do it. Can't think of a suitable story line though. Had a few but they are all a bit poor, or not for this forum.
Im thinking of starting: Bermuda, Road to Becoming A Test Nation
It will be about Bermuda and their road to become a test nation
There will be off field contoversy, New Coach, New Captain and there will be diary entries form Bermuda players.
Yeah sounds impressive, hopefully it will be pulled off well. Always nice to see new faces in the stories board, welcome :).
Tut tut. :p

Worcestershire is indeed spelt right and don't think I've seen a story by someone with them. Anyway, I'm sure whoever you choose to be, it'll be an awesome story. Looking forward to it.
Not done a cricket story in a while, and never thought I'd ever do one again. But thanks to Zim.... coming to a forum near you... I present the newest and slightly differently based Kent story for C07! "Oh not again!" I hear you chorus, along with the ultimate question... Will it feature penguins?
Not done a cricket story in a while, and never thought I'd ever do one again. But thanks to Zim.... coming to a forum near you... I present the newest and slightly differently based Kent story for C07! "Oh not again!" I hear you chorus, along with the ultimate question... Will it feature penguins?

Great news, can't wait for another Kent story from Kev :)

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