Stadium Creator Discussion

Starting to get the hang of it now. Pretty proud of my 1980s MCG, y'all should have a look. Just search for Melbourne Cricket Ground, its the one nicknamed MCG 1985.

I've actually also created a slightly oldschool MCG which I'm uploading soon. People can then compare for themselves :P

I think you did a very nice job of the old Southern Stand. I've gone for a slightly different approach with the other stands though.

I'm also going to be releasing a 1990s (with the new Southern Stand) and modern MCG (since the current ones have some errors) and probably a pre-1956 Olympics MCG too for bodyline games.
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It now seems that I can save the stadium and everything but whenever I exit the stadium creator the game freezes. Not a crash but a freeze.

Rather amazed such a buggy piece of software was released despite months of prior testing by the community.

Another bug: the start and end sponsors that you set in the stadium editor change when you play a match. This is a problem if you want to have custom static ads that you position specifically.
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Just a tad little disappointed we never got water based background. Like how T&T ground had in DBC 14 :(
Has anyone had problems uploading their stadiums? I am trying to upload my old MCGs but keep getting this warning "This creation has not been modified and therefore will not be shareable until modifications are made" and then when I click okay or back the game crashes.
Okay so I sort of fixed that. I just opened up the stadiums again to edit them, added a tree, saved and then I could share...
I've actually also created a slightly oldschool MCG which I'm uploading soon. People can then compare for themselves :P

I think you did a very nice job of the old Southern Stand. I've gone for a slightly different approach with the other stands though.

I'm also going to be releasing a 1990s (with the new Southern Stand) and modern MCG (since the current ones have some errors) and probably a pre-1956 Olympics MCG too for bodyline games.
Thanks mate!

I just finished my 90s version as well, so feel free to compare. Is your psn/gamertag the same as your user here?
Anybody else having this issue with the Stadium creator? Freezes once it starts up. I've been working on this for hours and would hate to start over again.
Yes! That's what happened to one of mine, had to delete it after hours of work. Only occurred on one stadium though the rest were fine. It happened at the same time my logo creator had issues and crashes everytime I try to go into it
Seriously...That sucks and I was working on a definitive SuperSport Park. Oh well, going to wait for the PC version and start again. Sad face
My stadium creator has gotten to a point where if I click on the exit button the game freezes, but if I press the O back button and then it asks me to exit it's fine.
@BRAB @maddawg1136 guys just need some advice please, i tried editing the Edgbaston cricket ground in game by adding logos which i download through the academy on my XB1.

Issue is when i add logos to adboards they don't seem to save. Is there a save option in the stadium editor or do i just exit and it autosaves?

Also alot of the default ingame logos like Tofu etc kept showing up even though i replaced most of them there was still a few which show in the match but not in the editor so i could not delete them so is there anyway to make sure no default logos show and only custom ones do? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
@BRAB @maddawg1136 guys just need some advice please, i tried editing the Edgbaston cricket ground in game by adding logos which i download through the academy on my XB1.

Issue is when i add logos to adboards they don't seem to save. Is there a save option in the stadium editor or do i just exit and it autosaves?

Also alot of the default ingame logos like Tofu etc kept showing up even though i replaced most of them there was still a few which show in the match but not in the editor so i could not delete them so is there anyway to make sure no default logos show and only custom ones do? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks

I did that at first too made half my Eden Park and it didn't save at first, then I found there is a save button in the stadium creator you must use otherwise it will not save.

I've seen in a lot of videos the wrong adboards showing up in the wrong places, it must be and issue in the game that BA needs to address (eg. VB board showing up where a KFC one should be etc) So in your case I think it's done that but your desired one has changed to Tofu. It's annoying because it means in some cases less important sponsors show up where the major sponsors should be (like behind the sightscreen) From when I found that happening I just filled up all 16 adboard slots. Although the sponsors were not where I'd like them to be it stopped default sponsors from coming up in game.
Hey Maddog.

I love the work you have done so far on NZ stadium Eden park.

Logos on adboards adds to the immersion during gameplay so much.

I have tried uploading many adboards for University Oval. I was hoping to get Resene, Speights, Otago Uni, NZ sky Sports logos on there but for the life of me cannot convert any SVG under 30kb.

I also wanted to start on the cake tin with some absolutely positively wellington logos and all region specific to make each NZ stadia feel like ure in that specific city.

Any tips?
Hey Maddog.

I love the work you have done so far on NZ stadium Eden park.

Logos on adboards adds to the immersion during gameplay so much.

I have tried uploading many adboards for University Oval. I was hoping to get Resene, Speights, Otago Uni, NZ sky Sports logos on there but for the life of me cannot convert any SVG under 30kb.

I also wanted to start on the cake tin with some absolutely positively wellington logos and all region specific to make each NZ stadia feel like ure in that specific city.

Any tips?

That's a great idea mate, will definitely give a good feel of what region you're in

I haven't encountered that problem in any I've converted, what are you using to try do that? I use
Just one thing to make sure about is adjusting the width of the logos to make them skinnier as the adboards stretch them when in game, I put up a step by step guide on the created players/kits/etc discussion in early December so if you havent seen it it might pay to have a look.

If you get still stuck with anything just chuck me a message and I'll get back to you, cheers

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