Steam update for DBC17 released

@BigAntStudios In T20 still the AI doesn't really looks to score big. Towards the end over the AI hardly tries to slog. Please fix this. In T20 the AI should be more least on higher difficulty please make the AI more punishing.
Gosh a lot of caught there :(

A more competitive score though.

I am going to have a bowl on a pristine deck
Knowing that Big Ant can't be making these incremental changes forever, is there a cut off date for these updates? Are we reaching the end of what can feasibly done without developing a whole new game?[DOUBLEPOST=1494311484][/DOUBLEPOST]I am asking the above because when you see the passion displayed on this thread, managing expectations might be a smart move.

Not to be negative because BA have been fantastic with all these updates.
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Turns out two different calculations are used in different places - if the innings stat was correct, there'd never be a practical difference, but because it wasn't, there is.

Internally the value tracked is the number of times you have been dismissed - which could well be correct. In some places the average is done using the simple - runs / dismissals; but in others, it first derives the not outs (as innings - dismissals), and then uses runs / (innings - not outs).

The scorehud uses the simpler, runs / dismissals - so if you're getting a correct average there, it means your dismissals were correctly tracked, but your innings weren't - which introduces an issue with the screens that don't.

Hope everything is fixed with regards to stats for both batting and bowling also the logic to calculate these values are in sync at all places.
That's the worrying part... too many collapses and low totals put up by AI while batting. Maybe Big Ant need to tweak AI batting a bit so AI puts up bigger totals. 400-450 should be par total on pristine but from whatever I've seen, AI struggles to score a total of 300 most of the times.

Some factors to consider:

What skill level AI is set to
Is user using custom sliders
If so what slider values are being used
Human can set better fields more likely to get wickets than AI ever can?

Above is small sample but trying to illustrate how hard it can be to objectively say the AI is/is not setting 'competitive/realistic' totals as sooo many factors in play
On Veteran Mode

Some factors to consider:

What skill level AI is set to
Is user using custom sliders
If so what slider values are being used
Human can set better fields more likely to get wickets than AI ever can?

Above is small sample but trying to illustrate how hard it can be to objectively say the AI is/is not setting 'competitive/realistic' totals as sooo many factors in play

I agree that it's subjective but there does appear to be trend of low totals.

I don't know how you fix that. Although my two main observations while bowling were that AI confidence (and confidence in general) seems slow and linear. Maybe it needs to increase exponentially with boundaries and fall back more sharply with plays and misses, edges.

The AI is prone to playing unrealistically lofted shots (Aggressive and Precise) players - great for limited overs but not for tests.

The AI field settings are on the whole fine in tests.
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Pristine Dry Pitch, Veteran, Hardest Bowling

England 42/0 from 10 overs

Cook 27 (35)
Jennings 13 (31)

Just had a really difficult edge dropped. It didn't give me much time to align the circle.
Just a thought on confidence. Why not just throw out an experimental change in a patch and if it doesn't work change it back. In tests and I think for one dayers the confidence starts at 0. Why not boost this, like in T20 where I think you start at 30 or 35. In real life very few players would go into a game with zero confidence.

Tests could start on 15 and one day 20 or 25. This way confidence can take a knock. Right now if you get a batsman playing and missing they are struggling to get the confidence up and are probably gonna get out quicker. With a higher starting confidence if you bowl well it'll dent the confidence of the AI batsman and likewise with the bowler if you bat well.
Just a thought on confidence. Why not just throw out an experimental change in a patch and if it doesn't work change it back. In tests and I think for one dayers the confidence starts at 0. Why not boost this, like in T20 where I think you start at 30 or 35. In real life very few players would go into a game with zero confidence.

Tests could start on 15 and one day 20 or 25. This way confidence can take a knock. Right now if you get a batsman playing and missing they are struggling to get the confidence up and are probably gonna get out quicker. With a higher starting confidence if you bowl well it'll dent the confidence of the AI batsman and likewise with the bowler if you bat well.
Also in addition to above last match scores and form also should boost the players confidence...

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