Steam update for DBC17 released

A key lies in making catching more there are many more edges there are many more chances and if those chances are too easy to take AI will fall over....I am lobbying for tweaking of reaction catches.....
I agree with this particularly, as you say, with the greater propensity for edges. I really don't mind tough chances being dropped...because when they are caught it makes them all the more special. At the moment, in my experience, pretty much every hard catch sticks...particularly for the keeper and close fielders. More commonly the catches that are dropped are simple ones. I had one recently where the ball went high, but straight, to an outfielder and he just stood there watching it. It bounced off his testicles and went to ground without him making any attempt to get his hands to the ball..the cricket ball, that is. I still want some spectacular catches...but I don't want more drops to easy chances (though some are still acceptable...we can all have bad day in the long as it looks like the fielder made an effort). I would actually like to see a bit more of the spectacular in the outfield, as well. No diving catches there...and fielders seem happy to let the ball drop in front of them rather than attempt a catch. I'm not sure whether any of this can be patched in however.
Yeah these things are supposed to be sharp chances and you should have to react pretty quickly (within reason for a video game) to get them and it sounds like they're a bit too easy just now.

and also so many "chances" drop short, go about too wide/high etc. there's lots of "oohs and aaahs" to use the beta group cliche... we need to bring in more of those from the chance going begging.
My suggestion for bat pads especially is:

currently nearly every bat pad "chance" is a wicket... i think the fielders round the bat should have a much smaller circle in which they can move to take catches, every bat pad should be a reaction catch, and the timing for them should be small.

we might not see the "worldies" but it keeps the dismissal mode in there but more balanced.
I like this idea. Even though I play in career mode, I would much prefer that keeper and close fielders used the slow-mo reaction catch feature that I could control. I miss plenty of those on c&b chances...but am delighted when I manage to catch one. If I had the option of taking control for sharp infield catches, I'd certainly use it...even though, it could be argued, that it goes against the spirit of career mode as being a mode where you only control one player.
So, as much as I love all then batpad chat anyone actually played with the latest update yet?
So, as much as I love all then batpad chat anyone actually played with the latest update yet?

Give us a chance, it has only been out half an hour.

I have an AI v AI match on because I have to work and don't have the time to bowl.

Anderson has just bowled Cook after he totally missed a drive.

A good start. Will be nice if there is a clean bowled off a block, but yeah it was a total misjudgement, great to see.

England are 80 odd for 2, so it is not like it is happening all the time, which is also good.
Are you meaning the four and five day games are affected like this sorry if being thick![DOUBLEPOST=1494488138][/DOUBLEPOST]
Oh yes, certainly agree with diving catches these are hard to pull of in real life (I have tried and... Mixed) but should be 'harder' but not impossible again, sliders?
One day games 50 overs
I will be streaming the latest build, (granted on AI vs AI), while I work. Legend mode. So may be tough to see any bowled!

I know it's AI vs. AI, but it would be nice to see the batsman being a little more defensive and blocking a few deliveries. They seem to be looking to score runs off every ball.
I know it's AI vs. AI, but it would be nice to see the batsman being a little more defensive and blocking a few deliveries. They seem to be looking to score runs off every ball.
Comes down to mentality I guess. Cook looked to defend way more than Buttler or Stokes
I know it's AI vs. AI, but it would be nice to see the batsman being a little more defensive and blocking a few deliveries. They seem to be looking to score runs off every ball.

I wonder if it's also partly as that the difficulty is on legend the AI sees more ball as hit-able (for better or worse)

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