Steve Davies - "I am gay"

Role Model as in a gay sportsman, helping similar guys (or girls) who play sports to do the same to their team mates etc. I'm not suggesting he's going to gain world-wide recognition or something, you nutter.

Even in sports, there are more well known gays. Have you forgotten about Ian Roberts?
I don't even know who Ian Roberts is and I doubt if young Cricket players do either to be honest.
He was that Aussie rugby player that came out during the 90's.

For English gay cricketers, yeah, he's a good role model. But to say he's a role model for any young gay sportsman, or gays in general, is far-fetched.
you don't know that, what if some gay kid in Singapore sees this article on google news or BBC news and it inspires him. Then Davies is a role model for him.
you don't know that, what if some gay kid in Singapore sees this article on google news or BBC news and it inspires him. Then Davies is a role model for him.

Very unlikely that a gay kid in singapore knows who Davies is, or gives one for that matter.
you're still missing the point,

it's an article on BBC, which is read by the world, not just England. so you can't concretely say that it won't inspire people around the world.
I'm not missing the point. I read the BBC as well, so I know it's read around the world. I'm just finding it hard to believe that it's all that inspiring, especially to anyone who hasn't heard of Davies before this.
probably because you are not a gay teenager who is still in the closet. I'm not inspired much by the actual story itself but I can easily see how it could be to some people.
Well this may be a red herring but my gay friend now hates Gareth Thomas for coming out. Mind you he's not a teenager.
probably because you are not a gay teenager who is still in the closet. I'm not inspired much by the actual story itself but I can easily see how it could be to some people.

The point I was making was that there are better examples for gay teenage kids.
That's a bit of an assumption to make, considering every single person is different and for all you know there could be a bunch of teenagers who this story really does help.

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