Suggestions / Ideas / Wishlist

Love it... that is an awesome idea (if possible to be implemented).

To make bowling more interesting, At the time of ball selection(which ball to bowl) instead of the inswing and outswing icon we can have the holding of the ball (i.e position of ball in the bowlers hand)...
I also like the sound of this... if it is again possible... because then it may not swing... because the ball will not always swing... but can hit the seam and cut off the deck.

Something I just thought about while playing BLIC 07 using Brett Lee bowling an over of short balls hitting the batsman 4 out of 5 balls... and following up with an in swinging yorker and being blocked with ease. I would like to be able to work over the batsman with short balls... especially if hitting the batsman, an in swinging yorker that starts out side off and ends up going on to middle and leg... should realistically go straight through them. would be nice anyway lol
I think the confidence meter will help with this. If you hit the batsman 5 times in the chest there should be a higher chance of getting bowled the next ball. I agree.
I love the idea of setting the seam direction and choosing where to put the shiny side instead of just choosing the direction of swing.

It would add some great touches. The human player would have to watch the amount of swing and judge playing conditions. Some days it would swing, some days it would not. Some bowlers might be proficient outswingers but have a wayward inswinger...

Also imagine setting the seam for an outswinger and then seeing it going the other way...the player would really feel like he was seeing the point at which the ball was "starting to reverse". Or perhaps watching the swing gradually fade away in engluish conditions as the ball gets older and being forced to bring on a spinner...

Possibilities are endless!

As you may have guessed I'm a bowler and am tired of the bowling part of the game being the poor relation to batting...

I'm starting The Campaign for Decent, Fun, and Realistic Bowling in Future Cricket Games!

Or TCDFRBFCG for short......sigh(!)

Who's with me!
Second... cause you can bowl an out swinger that sometimes wont swing just because it come out of the hand a little wrong... and but then it will probably cut in... (if it hits the seam that is) and the reverse swing idea is really cool... but i would like to see the ball model wear and then have one side shinny and the other side not and then it should start to reverse swing. if possible of course
Cheers guys,

It's sounds good on paper but I'm no programmer so I have no idea if it's possible to implement successfully in a computer game...

Only LM for JK would know... so we'll have to wait til they reveal their plans..

(hint) ;)

No news from JK or LM from past 2 weeks. What happened? They were going to release a video on the animation work but its still not released. What happened?
Has any thought been put into the controls for the game or is it too early for something like that to be planned?
I was wondering what kind of system it is that is being implemented. Pressing a button for front foot and back foot and then another for lofted shot, defensive shot or a normal stroke. while pressing arrow buttons or aim with the mouse etc. does anyone know the system?
It's a power bar type feature, with varying colours on the bar to describe not only the power but the lofting of shots. Something like:
- green - along the floor
- yellow - lofted (think chip over the infield)
- orange - bigger hit
- red - out of control swipe.

Or something like that.

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