Suggestions / Ideas / Wishlist

hey i would like a few things to be added to this game to make it more interesting-
.in ea 07,it is very difficult to bowl a delivery with a spinner that could decieve the batsman.i would like this game to be supportive for spinners as well.
.the AI should be 'more sensible' to what the current situation is going on in a match unlike in ea 07 , a lowly ranked batsmen could also hit you for sixes.
.overall,i would want this game to be competitive to play.:upray
Great feedback here so far...keep it up...

just to answer a couple...

>Many will say , gameplay is most important, but remember, Graphics is as important as Gameplay. Take ur time to develop the game and do not leave any aspects in graphics, nor in the GUI, nor in presentation.


you are right, please dont think i am going to exclude graphics altogether ;) i just want to make the point that gameplay is more important than graphics, but yeah graphics are still important. I guess i'm saying my graphics most likely wont stand up to EA, but they will still be really good's very hard to compete against them on the resources front (especially when i'm on a zero budget :(

>1) Ever played EA Cricket 2000? I loved it-mainly for the styles of shots. Time it well, you can get 4 without slogging. But time it lae or early-you don't neccesarily get out. It just makes the ball go in a different direction. Play the wrong line, then you are out. >Could you do that?

damn, i can't remember 2000...will have to try and play it somehow so i know what you mean exactly....

>2)Career mode-can we set the pace at which we bowl at, so you know, all Med Fast don't have the same pace, all Med don't have the same pace, etc?

* every bowler will have different speed ratings, so yes, Brett Lee will be super fast compared to medium pacers and you will know it ;) All these values / stats will be editable also.

>1. Almost exact pacing by CPU AI depending on the target set for them (or for target set by them!). It should be like the CPU adopts a different approach for a target of below 100, 100-125, 125-150, and so on in increments of 25 runs (or even 20 runs)! >That would make it more realistic!

yes, there will be something like this - the AI will be adaptive

>2. Ball physics changing depending on the conditions (prodigious turn on Indian dustbowls!), great seam movement on SA and AUS wickets, great swing in England and so on

yes, this will be implemented definately

>3. More differentiation between wickets. For e.g. there are some Indian wickets where its hard to start with with some greenish tinge and then as the match progresses, it assists spinners. It should not be like Hard or Normal wickets are boring for spinners >to bowl with!

yep - see point 2 reply

hey would there be some thing like this that fast bowlers' deliveries would be more specific in the actual speed of the ea 07 brett lee often bowled above 90 mph which is not true and would there be something like injuries and stuff like that to players during matches???:rolleyes:
Gmbest i agree with you when it comes to spinners in Ea 07. They almost felt like medium paces which could get movement off the pitch. There was nothing deceptive about it. I really hope spinners in the art of cricket are actually spinners and can actually decieve batsmen.:help
Well, good news then, cos i can tellyou i definately have been deceived by the spin in my play testing ;)

Ive spent a lot of time getting spin to 'feel' like spin and to be competitive, as it is a major part of cricket and the overall batting experience...
Thats good to hear... because it was almost pointless using a spinner in cricket 07. The only way i got wickets in it was using an off spinner i made that had warne like stats but of cause offspin. Then pack the field close around the batsman with a couple saving singles and one or two on the boundry. And the batsman would block one and it would pop up and get caught. Was effective but didnt feel right.

Also i had a look at the field editor vid.. hadnt seen it before. That looks awesome. Dont think youve been able to put the keeper up to the stumps in any other game before... seems a bit pointless to hamison though lol (thats who is bowling in the vid). but still with a medium pacer having the keeper up to the stumps would be awesome
Well, good news then, cos i can tellyou i definately have been deceived by the spin in my play testing ;)

Ive spent a lot of time getting spin to 'feel' like spin and to be competitive, as it is a major part of cricket and the overall batting experience...
well thats good to hear,keep up the good work!:hpraise
I wonder if the spinners will be able to get "drift" as well as spin? This would be great when the ball isn't turning as much on a flat pitch and you could use the flight to try and decieve players?

Has anything like this been thought of for TAOC?

Yeah the ball does drift in TAOC. Look on youtube and I think there's a video of it knocking about somewhere. Although the drift was in the wrong direction then, which I trust Paul has fixed in the intervening 12 months or so! ;)
Thanks LC!

It does indeed go the wrong way from the leg spinner but I'm glad it's in!

On a semi-related note, I was thinking about the pitch marker when batting.

I can see how you can be decieved by the spin/swing of the ball as the red wedge on the marker can mislead you but can we ever guess the line or length of the ball wrong?

The majority of dismissals in cricket come from just this mistake. Is the blue marker just the batsman's guess as to where the ball will pitch? Could the ball be slightly shorter/fuller than this indicates or slightly different in line?

Better batsmen/batsmen in better form/high on confidence/after a long time at the crease could have a smaller marker and vice versa.

I always thought there was a fundamental flaw with the classic system of having the a pitch marker that indicated where the ball was going to pitch and the size of this circle linked to the bowler's average.

It made bad bowlers harder to play as you didn't know quite where it was going to go while McGrath's tiny circle dictated exactly which shot to play. Even if he bowled more balls on a good length and line he still had less chance of fooling you..

The classic "batsman was neither forward nor back" dismissal comes from not being able to pick the lenghth up while we knew exactly what that length was every time.

Same for wafting outside the off stump or a leading edge to one to straight, it's a misjudgement of line rather than mistiming the shot..

These things cannot happen in todays games.

While bowling this system made hitting a good line and length too easy and boring compared to batting. There was no reaction time/skill game in it like batting. No matter how "wobbly" cursor was it was still pretty easy to put it where you wanted after a while. Bowling has to be a bit more like batting in my opinion...

I wonder what the philosophy is for TAOC or what people's thought are on a better system...
I just had an idea about the bowling cursor for the batsman. You could make the cursor wobble vertically (as in length of the ball) till the ball pitches. Of course the bowler knows where the ball is gonna pitch and can set it beforehand. Just that the batsman wouldn't know exactly what the length is. Because most of the dismissals are due to misreading the length.

And something else. Instead of red thingy to indicate movement, we could have the cursor edge (move) slightly towards the direction of the movement at the last moment.
That's not a bad idea... but I think a wobbling/erratic cursor for every ball would get very tiring and irritating for the eyes. (not to mention making the red wedge harder to see!).

A more elegant solution could be a blue circle with the red wedge appearing on the pitch before each delivery. This would be the "batsman's guess" and dependent on all sorts of stats...

A good batsman on a decent wicket would be right most of the time and the ball would pitch in the circle (not quite in the centre perhaps) and move as the wedge matching the exact pitch point the computer AI had set..

but there would always be the chance the ball would pitch outside the circle (a mis judgement-the circle and the AI pitch point do not coincide) causing the shot you chose to be slightly off. Perhaps the ball is slightly fuller and your back foot drive makes you inside edge..

I also think it could lead to more realistic play and misses (for misjudgements in line...)

Obviously this could be tweakable and dependent on bowler stats, batsman stats, playing conditions, match situation...etc. etc.
Just a suggestion guys, sorry if i am wrong.

To make bowling more interesting, At the time of ball selection(which ball to bowl) instead of the inswing and outswing icon we can have the holding of the ball (i.e position of ball in the bowlers hand)...

This is because the bowler doesn't know how much swing he is going to generate, So while bowling first select the the position of the ball the bowler should hold then the speed of the ball So by calculation this with this pitch details the amount of swing is generated. This give alot of experiments while bowling and realistic feel that we are bowling, In EA where the swing of the bowler can be adjusted by an direction make it unrealistic.
Thanks LC!

I always thought there was a fundamental flaw with the classic system of having the a pitch marker that indicated where the ball was going to pitch and the size of this circle linked to the bowler's average.

It made bad bowlers harder to play as you didn't know quite where it was going to go while McGrath's tiny circle dictated exactly which shot to play. Even if he bowled more balls on a good length and line he still had less chance of fooling you..

Wonderful point you made there yusuf.
So true the good bolwers in cricket games can be the easiest to play as there is no suprise except for change of pace.
And it was often the avg bowlers who were hard to play coz u couldnt be sure where it was pitching.
Glad someone agrees!

The more I think about the system where the blue circle is just a guess and not a guarantee the better it sounds...

It would work in the opposite way to traditional games. Bad bowlers would drop in the circle everytime. The batsman, in effect would be "seeing the ball early", couple this with their lack of variation and sideways movement and pace and they get easier to smack straight away.

The system could introduce other rather realistic things. At the start of an innings or with a new bowler the chance of the ball droping in the circle and the red wedge matching it's deviation should be lower and as the innings went on the player should notice the ball start to coicncide with the blue marker more often.... the batsman is "getting his eye in".

It would encourage more cautious play against a new bowler early on and more defence and leaving the ball, before you could unfurl shots with confidence.

Of course this is all stats dependent and could be tweaked ad infinitum...

I don't know what is in stor for TAOC but I'm sure it will be better than what's gone before.

Has LM said anything about it?
Yusuf lovin the idea:p
u'r system would realy add some realistic 'feel' to the game and both good batsmen and bowlers will stand out with this.

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