another suggestion LM, with injury to the players - they should also be able to happen in real time like in pro evolution soccer, where a player may pull up with a hamstring ala michael vaughan

obviously this will be totally random depending on injury proneness like simon jones and vaughany will have a high rating for these sort of injurys like hammys and side strains, knees, back etc.....
or a kevin pieterson type injury can occur

(impact injury). It would add a lot to the expierience of playing a tour, and also make you think a bit more about trying to get down on one knee and sweep brett lee obviously if you miss and get smashed theres a chance you get hurt

obviously this should be quite random too although if you try sweeping everything and keep getting cracked in the head/ribs by brett lee then there should be more chance you get hurt. but i think probably this should be more random than user defined - with some sort of rng that makes it happen very in-frequently so you dont get retired hurts every game, but i think it should be there.
also even for non retired hurts, it would be nice to hear good sounds and see good expressions after someone gets a corker in the ribs :boxing
hope you consider these LM

keep up the great work, and its great to see more life back in the taoc forum