Surely codemasters cannot release this game in australia?

I was attracted by the cover but it seems like, its really not worth buying, from this forum.
But I already purchased and now I?m not happy over that. I was not expecting what I have seen on the cover. My advice for you guys to safe your pocket
tomorrow codie will release their faulty product once again and get away with cheating all those who will buy it
tomorrow codie will release their faulty product once again and get away with cheating all those who will buy it

There must be a law that prevents this. They have known for several months that there is a major fault with the game so if it hasn't been rectified and released as such then surely that is fraudulent. If I come across anyone who is about to purchase it I will certainly warn them.
I thought certain members of this forum were in contact with people from Trickster( how apt!) and Codemasters. So what's happened? Have all ties been severed now??
Hey Guys,

Just read the IGN review for IC2010.

International Cricket 2010 Review - Xbox 360 Review at IGN

They gave them 7/10 which completely surprised me considering that Medal of Honor was given 6/10 and Medal of Honor was definitely a better game.

And they didn't mention anything about the broken multiplayer!!

I know they are both a different genre but at least Medal of Honor multiplayer worked.

What are your guys thoughts about the review?
Thats a solid review from ign and they are right. ic2010 is a good game but could be great if they stick with it for the next few ign reviewed the offline and with friends, i dont think they know of the online problems, also after 4 months codemasters dont do any improvements or a patch. That just gets me angry, i dont care if the game has problems but a little help after is needed. :spy
Well we just have to face it: we are not going to get a decent cricket game for two reasons: one; cricket itself is losing its identity and striving to become some thing it actually isn't and two; game producers are interested in selling games, that is to Joe Smiggins who wants to score 36 of 6 balls and has the attention span of a bowl of Weetabix.

Me? I am awaiting Cricket Coach as I think that that is the way to go with cricket. Cricket is a statistical game where even small variations contribute greatly to the outcome. It is nearly impossible to replicate those subtle variations in a video based game. In a management type game it can be done much more accurately and realistically. I think the new Cricket Coach game will prove that.

Anyway what do I where did I leave my bowl of Weetabix......
It's ridiculous that a football manager esque game can't be made right for cricket.

It's the same as MLB the Show physics not being able to transfer to a Cricket game by Codies or EA. WHY?

Possibly both sets of developers have poor design, production and programming skills....
It's ridiculous that a football manager esque game can't be made right for cricket.

It's the same as MLB the Show physics not being able to transfer to a Cricket game by Codies or EA. WHY?

Possibly both sets of developers have poor design, production and programming skills....

I think that the new Cricket Coach game that is about to come out will prove that real quality can be achieved in a cricket manager type game. Yes I would rather be playing a game where I feel I am taking control of bat and ball but suddenly the negatives heavily outweigh the positives for me. A game like Cricket Coach is proving an answer to my hunger for something more authentic in that regard. No, I don't work for Cricket Coach. I just think it is the best game available and the new version will be a huge improvement on the genre.

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