TAOC Discussion

I'm pretty sure it said on the home page that it's out in Q4 of 07. But I can't find it now.
Nope didnt work. Is it working for you?
Yeah, and other people are online as well so it is most likely a problem on your end. If other websites are working fine then I haven't got any ideas, other than just waiting.
ok guys...in the next 2-3 hours....i'll be releasing a new OFFICIAL video
for TAOC !! so STAY TUNED !! :)

this video will be more GAMEPLAY oriented than "ohh look at new features" type...!! ;)

more details when i'll be releasing the new video :)


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ok guys...in the next 2-3 hours....i'll be releasing a new OFFICIAL video
for TAOC !! so STAY TUNED !! :)

this video will be more GAMEPLAY oriented than "ohh look at new features" type...!! ;)

more details when i'll be releasing the new video :)



Great news. Really looking forward to it. Good luck JK, hopefully will give a big insight into how the game is progressing in gameplay especially.
You are exactly right Rob, we all think the same but you were the only one to speak up:p But we do understand that life isn't based around this video game.

But just a little 3 lines of what the progress is would be fantastic!
Recently I have been on holiday (twice) and just checking this forum for updates every so often when I am home and I have to say that I am a little dissapointed by the apparent lack of progression in recent months.
One video in a long time which just shows some new animations and a new stadium doesn't really get our hopes up about the game getting released.
When we had weekly screenshots, monthly videos and regular progress updates, the hype and will to spread the word was very high. Now it seems to have died down.

I know LM has other stuff to do but just to update us every so often wouldn't be too much to ask, surely?

Sorry for the lack of updates. cause, the truth is that there has been minute
or almost NIL update since the last video. and the reason behind it is that
neither LM nor me is able to find much time to work on the game. :crying:

about LM - well, he is moving into a new apartment. hence, he is
busy with all the property related stuff. also, his work/social life sucks up
most of his day.....

i am too busy with college these days. it eats up most of my day.
and by the time i sit on my comp, am too tired & dont feel like doing any work.

and i hate to say this but coincidently or unfortunately we both would be crazy busy till the end of september. :( after that, both of our schedules
would loosen up and i would be getting my diwali holidays...so will try
to give my full effort during that time !! :)
Sad to hear that. Hopefully less stressful times are around the corner :)

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