TAOC Discussion

well legend master informed everyone a while back that hes taking a bit of time off from makeing the game so we will have to sit tight and wait for more info before the forum gets busy again i think.
Hi everyone,

long time no speak....

Well, just wanted to advise everyone that i do still exist and am aware of the obvious halt in production and slow dying of the forums.

Unfortunately im still in an extreme period of busy-ness. I will confirm though that as of early October i will be able to continue work on the game, coming back exactly where i last left off.

I truly apologise for the delays and lack of communication.


O well, great news you can actually start work on the game again:) Thanks for the update
Great news, Common i want this before the 2009 ashes

lol dont worry...i can guarantee you that it wont take THAT long.

btw, am getting more free time now...but havent started working on the game
yet...! will start work in like 10 days...

i'll be making The Gadaffi Stadium(pakistan), The Lords and Agsiriya stadium kandy (sri lanka)....
[statetheobvious] wow kartik i can't wait for this game, really, i really wanna play it [/statetheobvious]
Hi everyone,

long time no speak....

Well, just wanted to advise everyone that i do still exist and am aware of the obvious halt in production and slow dying of the forums.

Unfortunately im still in an extreme period of busy-ness. I will confirm though that as of early October i will be able to continue work on the game, coming back exactly where i last left off.

I truly apologise for the delays and lack of communication.




w00t! Looking foward to some progress on the game. This is really exciting (well duh!)
i just looked at some pics of The Lords and atleast by the looks of it, doesnt
seem to be an easy stadium to model !! each stand is different with
different characteristics....:eek:
getting the pavillion right would be the most difficult challenge....
lets see.....
which stadiums are going to be included in the game?

well.....one stadium per country is the priority now....
once its completed....the rest would be thought about...:)

so...i would have make 7 more stadiums in order to achieve it..:eek::crying

Eden Gardens (ind) - Completed

Gadaffi Stadium (pak) - NA

Agsiriya Stadium (SL) - NA

Bangabandhu stadium (Bang) - NA

Sydney Cricket ground (Aus) - Completed

The Lords (eng) - NA

Eden Park, Auckland (NZ) - NA

Kensington Oval, Barbados (WI ) - NA

New Wanderers Stadium, Johannesburg (SA) - NA

i really have to speed up the process....will start working on it by next week...
hopefully, i can complete all of them within 2-3 months...that would boost
the progress by leaps and bounds !
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Sorry about this but what is The Agsiyira Stadium? Is this in Kandy or Colombo or something like that?
Okay. Because I always referred to it as Kandy and not whatever you are calling it :D

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