TAOC Discussion

yeah, it is pleasing to see stuff happen from little tweaks..even more pleasing is seeing the game do stuff (realistic type stuff) that is entirely random like real life ;) stuff that is not hard coded in - i.e. i set all the parameters and the game just allows it to happen...e.g. bowled a leg break to Hayden and it got an inside edge onto his pad then rolled down and hit the wickets behind him....awesome ;)

Release date...the age old question...well, i guess you can judge kinda by what you can see as completed and what still needs to be done..it wont be this year, ill say that ;)

What i can say is that progress is motoring along with renewed vigor, which im very happy about, now that my personal life has somewhat settled :rolleyes:

Wow, thats so damn good! Realistic! Next year eh? Cool, thanks for the confirmation. Good to hear your personal life is back on track:clap
Hopefully tonight i will be able to take some ingame screens of the JK's new Lord's stadium, so keep your eyes open for some brand spanking new screenshots. These will be the first for some time.

On the coding front, i've blitzed several more nasty bugs that have been on my list for about 6 months! So its a great relief to finally be free of them (these included a bug with running between wickets and also an animation sequence bug).

Im expecting this bug blitz will be completed by tomorrow night, at which time i can finally get back to 'proper' development.

Yeah, we have been neglected with the amount of screenies as of late;) Can't wait.
getting a little exciting around there parts with a new stadium and LM being active again. looking forward to seeing some screenies!

big announcement here...

it has been decided by the executive committe (well, me and JK) to change the current batting system slightly. It will involve several changes and will take me several days, but i am going to state right here and now for the record that this revised system will be the best system ever seen in a cricket game. It builds upon the previous system with a couple of important changes that make all the difference. I cant divulge all the details just yet, but i will say this about it

- the powerbar comes more into effect, giving much more control and flexibility and variety over power, including better ability to work singles on purpose and to purposefully chip softly over the infield
- power used will influence mishit/mistiming chance, resolving the age old issue of giving players incentive to NOT try and smash 4 or 6 off every ball, as you can much more safely try to get 1s and 2s
- front foot / back foot mode redesigned - new system rocks hard!!!! Never before seen, this system will redefine the the way strokes have traditionally been played

i am also improving the batting animations as i do this, not totally redoing but fixing up little things that didn't look right, including the charge down the pitch and the straight, cover and on drives.

All of these changes I am hoping to have completed by the weekend. Yes, it is another diversion, but we agreed it was fully worth the extra bit of time to do as it would improve the batting experience massively.


sounds great! and dont worry about it taking up time because it sounds worth it:hpraise
Wow, nice new features to the batting system. Loving the thing how players wont be able to smash every ball for 6 right from the outset, well done.
Good to hear. I just hope this isn't too time consuming. At this rate it doesn't look like it'll finish before 2009 unfortunately.
My older brother, who I keep talking to about the game even though he is only slightly interested, suggested making a time table for development. Even if there are no dates attached, it may help you structure your work and streamline development time.

I'm not rushing you, this was just my brothers suggestion which may help you save a bit of time.
Wow, this is exciting man. What's the percentage of development done at this stage?
Why dont you use a Project Management software to track your work ?

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