TAOC Discussion

My older brother, who I keep talking to about the game even though he is only slightly interested, suggested making a time table for development. Even if there are no dates attached, it may help you structure your work and streamline development time.

I'm not rushing you, this was just my brothers suggestion which may help you save a bit of time.

I do have a timetable, but its been blown out so many times its not funny. I have a big list of milestones that i work to, rather than a small list with hard dates. The point is it changes so frequently as this is not my full time job. The other thing is the project is a labour of love so to speak, and i dont want it to become a chore, because then i may get bored and ive lost count of the number of games ive seen become abandonware because the developer(s) got 'bored'.

But thanks fer the comments and stuff, im well aware ofthe time frame issues...but remember its a couple of guys in their part time making a full game from scratch - i think we're not doing too bad considering all the stuff thats gone on. It will definately be released in 2008 though, i will say that.



big announcement here...

it has been decided by the executive committe (well, me and JK) to change the current batting system slightly. It will involve several changes and will take me several days, but i am going to state right here and now for the record that this revised system will be the best system ever seen in a cricket game. It builds upon the previous system with a couple of important changes that make all the difference. I cant divulge all the details just yet, but i will say this about it

- the powerbar comes more into effect, giving much more control and flexibility and variety over power, including better ability to work singles on purpose and to purposefully chip softly over the infield
- power used will influence mishit/mistiming chance, resolving the age old issue of giving players incentive to NOT try and smash 4 or 6 off every ball, as you can much more safely try to get 1s and 2s
- front foot / back foot mode redesigned - new system rocks hard!!!! Never before seen, this system will redefine the the way strokes have traditionally been played

i am also improving the batting animations as i do this, not totally redoing but fixing up little things that didn't look right, including the charge down the pitch and the straight, cover and on drives.

All of these changes I am hoping to have completed by the weekend. Yes, it is another diversion, but we agreed it was fully worth the extra bit of time to do as it would improve the batting experience massively.



Sounds sweet mate. Can't wait to see it in action!!!
Well, ive been redoing the batting system as mentioned previously. That was completed finally last night (including full testing), and i have to say is a huge success. Much better than the old system, so i am very pleased about it. The downside is it took a week to complete. However, the gains are worth it i feel - i.e. several new animations that were long overdue - most notably the coverdrive and the ondrive and the charge and a brand spanking revamped batting system.

So that means right now im back to where i was before that diversion. That is, fixing up the last remaining 'big bugs' on my list. The list started off with about 30-40 'big bugs' and now is down around 9, most are umpire related. So i expect this week i will finish off that 'big bug' list. Then i can FINALLY return to the fielder AI. Wicket keeper AI is 90% completed and much of the code used for him i can re-use for the other fielders, so they should be quicker to complete than the time i took for the wicket keeper as most of the hard work is done already.

More updates comin soon. The light at the end of the tunnel is getting closer!

Brilliant! This games gets better every day.

a new video will be up soon showing the new batting system and drives...
and not to forget the in-famous lords :D
only prob is the video wont really show behind the scenes what buttons are being pushed, so it wont look all that different from before. What you will notice is the powerbar on maximum (red zone) and the batsman still playing a ground shot, for example, at max power.

More details on the batting system to come soon

only prob is the video wont really show behind the scenes what buttons are being pushed, so it wont look all that different from before. What you will notice is the powerbar on maximum (red zone) and the batsman still playing a ground shot, for example, at max power.

More details on the batting system to come soon


nice one LM. can't wait for the video.
ok, as JK will release the new video soon, here's a brief run down on the new batting system. Im going to hold back on some of the details in case it gets somehow 'borrowed' by someone else.. :p

The old system was this: You would use the numpad only for doing the stroke - holding down num0 would make the shot a back foot shot otherwise it would default to front foot. You would hold down Num1 to Num9 and it would raise the powerbar. If it fell in the first 'yellow' zone then it would be a defensive stroke in that direction e.g. Num1 in yellow power zone would produce an 'off-block' from a right hander. It would default to a front foot 'off block', where if you also held down Num0 at the same time he would do a back foot 'off-block'. If the powerbar fell in the second 'green' zone then it would produce a cover drive (front or back foot depending on Num0 state), and the 'red' zone would produce a lofted off drive shot.

This meant that just using the numpad keys you could get all the strokes done. Bad side is that the variation in power between the zones was pretty limited e.g. very hard to get the powerbar at the start of the red zone to do a 'softer lofted shot' or 'chip'. Also if you made a mistake and accidentally held down too long it may slip into the next zone and do a completely different shot. At first i thought this was kinda cool, but actually it was unrealistic. A batsman would commit to one stroke and not play another in real life.

Enter the new batting system.

Essentially its the same as before, however instead of the powerbar being in 3 sections/zones that determine which stroke is played, the powerbar now just determines the power of the stroke. The A,S,D keys control the type of stroke, i.e. defensive, ground or lofted. The Numpad keys control the direction (consequently the animation that is played also) and power of the stroke. The left shift key toggles front foot / back foot mode. So as an example, im batting with a right hander - i hold down left shift (leave it down) and the batsman crouches into front foot mode (if i release it he will rise back up to back foot mode) - i then hold down the 'S' key and the Num1 key - the powerbar builds up the longer i hold down the Num1 key. So when it reaches around 70% i let go and he does a nice coverdrive, aiming for 70% power, assuming maximum is a blast for 4!

Why would i not want to try for 100% power?? Because the more power you put in, the more chance of mishitting the ball. Its much safer to try and work the ball for 1s and 2s than blast 4s every ball. Then when you get into lofted shots the chance of mishits increases even more, and more again when more power is attempted. Everything is also compared to stats as well, so a great batsman will have more chance of risking hitting things for 4 more often.

Well, hope that all kind of makes sense. Thats a basic rundown. Watch the video and try to get a gist of it. Sounds a bit complicated but actually much better to use and more intuitive and efficient - also just has a better, more realistic feel.


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