TAOC Discussion

is this game mangement like international captian or like ea sports and blic where we get to control the team like play shots please reply
is this game mangement like international captian or like ea sports and blic where we get to control the team like play shots please reply

its like EA/BLIC....:)

thats pretty obvious provided you have seen the videos ;)
thanx heaps for the list mate....:)

although am tired of these brands changing their bats every year.....
its always kooka,GM,GN,woodworm etc changing their bats...
asian manufacturers dont usually change much ;)

i'll only do the bats,kits etc when the game is nearing release.......

currently, too busy with stadiums you see....:p

UPDATE : am very happy with "The Lords" progress....its turning out better than i expected....! trying to make it even better than EA/codies :D
Good news on the Lord's stadium!
That's good to hear. Is this product going to be sold or just downloaded for free of Planetcricket?

not yet decided wether it will be free or not.

Kartik or LM can you one of you make an FAQ thread please. Becuase price and release date is getting bit out of control.
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There's already been millions of FAQs and threads about the ol pricing issue.

Most likely will be donationware at this stage.

Well, though it may seem like i have been inactive, i have actually been doing some massive improvements behind the scenes. Have fixed a LOT of little tiny bugs that have been very annoying, and also made some nice improvements to the gameplay. Unfortunately these necessary evils dont translate into hard results that you guys can immediately see, but they had to be done nonetheless before they spiralled out of control. I figure its best to tackle bugs and glitches as they arise or by the end you'll have a huge list and have forgotten the logic behind them all - my code is messy enough already!!

have made dramatic improvements to the bowling system, with massive improvements to how it works, particularly with the 'chaos theory' system of the ball not always going where you want it to go. Slower ball system has been fixed and much improved, as has the batting system. Gravity and strokes have been refined so the ball hangs longer in the air, much more realistic. Edges and mishits have been improved greatly, ground friction improved and cameras tweaked. umpire decisions have also been improved.

Other little things also fixed, like:

- camera now waits a bit after a six is hit (previously would cut away immediately)
- bowling cursor graphic changed - still undecided about colour but the shape is newer and better
- collision tweaked so slightly easier to hit the ball - was too difficult before
- deflections added for when ball hits either set of stumps - ball now reacts more realistically instead of passing through the stumps
- ball bounciness tweaked - was too bouncy in some instances
- fixed limits in bowling cursor

also a big cheer to JK for his magnificant work on the Lord's stadium!! wow, very exciting folks, i cant wait myself to play on it!

There's already been millions of FAQs and threads about the ol pricing issue.

Most likely will be donationware at this stage.

Well, though it may seem like i have been inactive, i have actually been doing some massive improvements behind the scenes. Have fixed a LOT of little tiny bugs that have been very annoying, and also made some nice improvements to the gameplay. Unfortunately these necessary evils dont translate into hard results that you guys can immediately see, but they had to be done nonetheless before they spiralled out of control. I figure its best to tackle bugs and glitches as they arise or by the end you'll have a huge list and have forgotten the logic behind them all - my code is messy enough already!!

have made dramatic improvements to the bowling system, with massive improvements to how it works, particularly with the 'chaos theory' system of the ball not always going where you want it to go. Slower ball system has been fixed and much improved, as has the batting system. Gravity and strokes have been refined so the ball hangs longer in the air, much more realistic. Edges and mishits have been improved greatly, ground friction improved and cameras tweaked. umpire decisions have also been improved.

Other little things also fixed, like:

- camera now waits a bit after a six is hit (previously would cut away immediately)
- bowling cursor graphic changed - still undecided about colour but the shape is newer and better
- collision tweaked so slightly easier to hit the ball - was too difficult before
- deflections added for when ball hits either set of stumps - ball now reacts more realistically instead of passing through the stumps
- ball bounciness tweaked - was too bouncy in some instances
- fixed limits in bowling cursor

also a big cheer to JK for his magnificant work on the Lord's stadium!! wow, very exciting folks, i cant wait myself to play on it!

Wow, you are doing some important work at this stage. Well done! These tweaks sounds fantastic!
I know this question has been asked many many times and the poster has been told to look in the thread. But that was posted last year...

And with the lengthy lay off and even more interest in the game - when would we expect the game? Any chance of this year? 6 months? Well into next year?

Sorry to be a pest - but I betcha everybody is thinking the same thing;)
Those tweaks improve the game immensely. Even though you can't see it as such like graphics it must be pleasing to you :)
yeah, it is pleasing to see stuff happen from little tweaks..even more pleasing is seeing the game do stuff (realistic type stuff) that is entirely random like real life ;) stuff that is not hard coded in - i.e. i set all the parameters and the game just allows it to happen...e.g. bowled a leg break to Hayden and it got an inside edge onto his pad then rolled down and hit the wickets behind him....awesome ;)

Release date...the age old question...well, i guess you can judge kinda by what you can see as completed and what still needs to be done..it wont be this year, ill say that ;)

What i can say is that progress is motoring along with renewed vigor, which im very happy about, now that my personal life has somewhat settled :rolleyes:


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