TAOC Discussion

Steady on guys! We should be supporting LM right now as I think the difficult (not that the rest of it was easy!?) parts of the game are the ones that are coming up. For example, AI, bug testing, and the ridiculous amount of tweaking that will be required to make a good game.

I don't think we will be getting a stack of new videos each week as the game mechanics are basically complete and those made good videos where improvement was easy to see. The game mechanics provide the solid framework and now LM will have to build the game around that.

I hope he still has time to continue the work as we all really appreciate it!

PS. What part of EA's or Codies (recent) track record gives you the feeling they will provide a subtle, nuanced cricket game which involves half the details we hve got in our fledgling game? I must have played a different EACrick2008 and BLC...!

I honestly can't see it being released by the end of this year. I just hope that EA and Codemasters haven't brought out a decent game by then, because all this work will be to waste. :(

EA and/or Codemasters may have relased A game before this gets released (doubt it though) hwoever the key word you mentioned is decent. Apart from BLC 99 (possibly Cricket 2004) when have either companies released a "decent" game?

Just because LM has been a little busy lately and has come to a difficult stage in development, you're all jumping to conclusions that are ruling out a game even being made! Pathetic! Instead of rushing/criticising him you should be either trying to help or just keeping quiet.

Sorry if I sound aggressive at all but it really annoys me that you just become so unloyal when you don't see what you want!
Steady on guys! We should be supporting LM right now as I think the difficult (not that the rest of it was easy!?) parts of the game are the ones that are coming up. For example, AI, bug testing, and the ridiculous amount of tweaking that will be required to make a good game.

I don't think we will be getting a stack of new videos each week as the game mechanics are basically complete and those made good videos where improvement was easy to see. The game mechanics provide the solid framework and now LM will have to build the game around that.

I hope he still has time to continue the work as we all really appreciate it!

PS. What part of EA's or Codies (recent) track record gives you the feeling they will provide a subtle, nuanced cricket game which involves half the details we hve got in our fledgling game? I must have played a different EACrick2008 and BLC...!


I'm quoting it because you should all read it twice.
Calm down guys, Have paitence and we will hear some good news soon :)
Maybe LM is spending every waking moment on this game and is purposefully not coming on PC to get this game done before the end of the year :p

Three cheers for LM!
Hi everyone...

first the bad news....:noway

development has all but ground to a halt as i struggle with yet more committments at work - my 'day job' :mad: and i'm finding it really hard to devote time to the game.

Now the good news :) ....as of tonight i am back on track and reviewing the code. I'm making a big list of all the buggy stuff that needs to be solved before i can move on. Stuff that really annoys me everytime i play that kills the playing experience. During a recent playtest session i found there were more bugs than i had thought previously. So i have a renewed vigor and hope to get fully back into the swing of it (no pun intended).

But first i gotta apologise to all the hard core fans who have stuck by us during my outrageously long absence.

The game is not dead, was just resting. Sorry for the lack of updates and lack of communication. Kartik has also been extremely busy so no updates from him either.

Anyhoo, apologies once again, now lets get over it and get this frikkin show back on the road. :cheers

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great to hear from you, and very good to hear that your getting back into the swing of things
Thanks all, don't worry, i can totally understand how everyone would have been feeling...such a long absence never bodes well...im surprised at the loyalty of fans here, still sticking around after so long - great to see. I think its because we're all hardcore cricket fans :cheers

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