TAOC Discussion

You know, from time to time, I get a thought which tells me these people (TAOC developers) are still on the field developing this game in their spare time with no expectations to pressurize them and all. Ridiculous thought yes, but a fair possibility. They don't seem like people who would simply throw down like 3+ years of hard work down the drain. Might or might not be the case.
cr2 is confirmed to be rleased and on pc platform but not to be a good enough game
You won't see this game for next 2 years due to lack of sales.

trine is confirmed on pc platform but not to be released
I am sure that if it'll release, it'll definitely come on PS3 too.
Stop posting in this thread. PLEASE! Every time I see that there is a new post in this section, I get my hopes up :(.

Yes, I am that foolish...
A commercial quality 3d game which is free and is closed-source has never happened and probably will never happen
feels weird posting in this forum after AGES. i know its not going make any difference but still would like to point out a few important reasons why it was abandoned.

- It was a question of either Survival or TAOC. the choice was obvious.
Our careers were being affected majorly, our personal & social life literally became NIL.

- FIFA WC and the recent T20 mumbo jumbo made both of us lose interest in cricket as a sport altogether. the last series that i actually sat down, watched and enjoyed was the Ind Vs SAF test series in Feb 2010.

- 2 People creating a full-on cricketing simulation was always impossible.
we too knew the realistic chances of it being released from the beginning but were blinded by the passion for cricket and the lack of a quality simulation.

- After IC10 got rave reviews especially from Colin, that was the last straw that broke the camels back. So, there was no real motivation.

anyways, heres a sample video i would like to post in the memory of TAOC.

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I don't know what has been happening here, but the video looks very good. The bowler is Brett Lee, right? :)

Anyway, best of luck for your future life jkartik and your partner, which I guess is legend_master.

I don't know what has been happening here, but the video looks very good. The bowler is Brett Lee, right? :)

Anyway, best of luck for your future life jkartik and your partner, which I guess is legend_master.


Yup. thats lee. :)

its actually very sad seeing all blood, sweat and tears of all these years going down the drain.

But as i keep saying from time to time, "Lifes a BITCH!"
its actually very sad seeing all blood, sweat and tears of all these years going down the drain.

But as i keep saying from time to time, "Lifes a BITCH!"
I do understand it. At the end, your hard work and sleepless nights fetched nothing.
But don't forget that the experiences gained while doing all this might just help you in future. Who knows, what's waiting and in what form! :)
I do understand it. At the end, your hard work and sleepless nights fetched nothing.
But don't forget that the experiences gained while doing all this might just help you in future. Who knows, what's waiting and in what form! :)

True. Never know what'll happen.

i've numerous times thought of coming back to TAOC but we failed so miserably last time, that i dont think i have the capacity to fail again.

Me and Paul actually came to a conclusion that if someone is ready to pay us for atleast 6 months ; working 8-10 hrs a day, we can technically finish the game.

but then again, we planned everything for the alpha to release on the last week of March 2010 !! EPIC FAIL!!:doh:doh:facepalm

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