manee said:
So...should I contact him
you can contact him if you like, but no need to really...i have already spoken to Scatter about this and we sorted everything out.
i think i mentioned this before, but here goes a brief summary once again...
a long time ago (in a galaxy far far away) Scatter and myself tried to start up one of these projects but it ended up falling apart pretty early on as most of these 'internet teams' do...there were personality clashes, inexperienced peope issues (including myself) and really the project was destined to die before it even started - sadly....
but i learned a heck of a lot from that and was determined to complete my lifelong dream of making a good cricket game - i still believe that to date there has not been a great 3d cricket game released.
I have seen so many people try to start a community game project (not just cricket, but other genres as well) and 98% of them fizzle out before they even get started....1% actually do get started then fizzle out when they realise how much effort and time is involved and the other 1% have a chance to go on to completion....
it really is a case of having to devote every minute of spare time to the project, which is too much for most people, and is quite understandable. Im just lucky that i have been able to continue the enthusiasm and committment, with the community's help...when this thing is completed it really will have been a great team effort