TENNIS Tennis World Tour

I don't like the game but it's ok but right now I see a lot more potential with TWT (at this stage of time) then I do with AO, the launched game while flawed was actually quite decent to play unlike AO's launch in Jan where it was just a unplayable mess. TWT recently shot down the rumour that the game was only 20 percent finished on facebook they said that, that comment was misquoted and the game was really missing 20 percent of its content idk if that was damage control but it is kind of good to hear a offical word on that matter anyway. They also laid out future details for patches over the next few weeks/months which sound pretty good and acknowledged that it has been a bit of a shaky launch.
Thanks for this. I am keen to hear more why you think twt has more potential and what they are hoping to implement the coming months?
Oh and my mentioning of TS4 everytime was due to the apparent "no sidespin" on show in it, but playing it tonight in the PS3 emulator at 4K on PC (now able to play it and lots of other PS3 games at 4K / 60 fps ) it appears to show, which couldnt be seen before clearly on PS3/Xbox360, that maybe there is a slight strain of sideways movement on ground strokes, albeit really really feint curve on the shots.

The ball always rotates (when viewed in replays which sadly you cannot rotate to the view you wish to view them from) in slow motion with a kind of anti clockwise spin on it, even when the shot clearly had clockwise spin on it if, say, Nadal hit a left hand top spin shot down the line, so if there IS sidespin and left/right deviation of the ball flight in the game, which on PC @ 4K it seems to depict on occasion, the coders still showed 50% of the time the ball actually spinning in the opposite direction.....................but at least I am happy to be proven wrong now, TS4, albeit in a confused manner, does appear to have some ironic curve on the shots at times.

Nice to know man that there is some side spin in there! Yeah we both want the same thing which is a good realistic Tennis game on consoles both of us are passionate about it as well which is good devs need to know the market is still there and that fans are willing to buy a game that portrays the sport in a realistic way
Thanks for this. I am keen to hear more why you think twt has more potential and what they are hoping to implement the coming months?
I feel TWT has more potential as it is a lot smoother to play then AO did and seems to represent the sport in a better way, just go to a Tennis World Tour gameplay video and up the speed to 1.25 on youtube and you can see a massive improvement in how the game looks if the game played faster it would seem like less of a training drill and more like a tennis match which I do hope they realise and implement. Don't get me wrong though there is still a lot of animations that need fixing as well as some of them do look very shoddy. I also feel the AI responds better in game I can win a few points using the same strategy then it seems like the AI adapts to how I am playing and changes their game to counter mine, unlike AO's where I just play the same the whole match. I do feel the AI has a tendency to be caught out by using drop shots though just like AO's used to be and the AI never hits unforced errors which for a simulation is very unrealistic.

Here is a list of the stuff they are hoping to implement:
"The next Update will focus on the following:
  • 3 online modes
    • Quick match
    • Private match
    • Ranked matches
  • Improved grass courts
  • Improved atmosphere during matches (i.e. commentator, crowd reaction)
  • Bug fixes, such as the bug preventing coaches and agents to be swapped properly.
  • Additionally for Switch and Xbox this will include previous bugfixes and improvements to bring them on par with PS4 and PC
Updates in the weeks following will focus on these topics:
  • Adding tournaments in ranked online mode
  • AI balancing (increasing unforced errors)
  • Improvements to atmosphere around the court (both visuals and audio)
  • Adding official outfits to career and adding alternative outfits for pro players
  • Bugfixes and improvements based on your feedback
  • Further reducing occasions of gaps between racket and ball
Additional content in the next few months:
  • Adding doubles mode to the game
  • Adding a weekly community challenge mode
  • Adding slide animations on clay courts
  • Improvements to the career mode
  • Additional improvements to atmosphere
  • General improvements based on your feedback and bugfixes

We know this launch hasn't been the smoothest, but we are absolutely committed to improving the game going forward.
As always, we thank you for ALL your feedback, keep it coming!"

Sounds good to me I do hope those bugfix and improvements based on player feedback updates come quick though
So glad didn’t buy this game atm but I hope they do turn it around as we need the competition. I hope the internal stuff you heard wasn’t anything to do with Brian Lara :p

No. I think with Cricket stuff I've always said 70% would be acceptable and 80% the top mark, just because reviewers tended to top out there. Even the holy bail would never get over 80% because its a cricket game.

But to set out on a (3rd? 4th?) iteration of a game to scrape 60%? If you've a small budget what you lack in scope and visuals you make up in gameplay. So long as its fun and polished i can get behind that. Don't try to match the big guys: you'll spread yourself way too thin. Im seeing a lot of that happening.
You cant do it all on a small budget. Concentrate on the gameplay, build the core support and then start to add features. Theres no excuse for a poor game out of the box and you might not get the chance.
Developer has promised to fix the game through future patches. That doesn't mean those bugs must be considered as "fixed". Reviews are very much against TWT. AO Tennis still has the positive reviews even after 5 months of release when compared to negative reviews of TWT within the period of 15 days. "NOT RECOMMENDED" is the one that is very common in steam reviews.

Big Ant must be appreciated for their hardworkand passion as they are working on two titles - fixing the bugs, implementation of customer feedbacks, interaction with customers etc..
Even promising to fix the game through patches isn't a great look. It's a tough ask: rushing a game out to coincide with an event is sometimes necessary business wise and it's extremely hard on the developers (because generally they get the blame). But I think you have to do the right thing and at least caveat the release with an early access tag or something, or reduce the price accordingly, or just be honest about what the product represents in terms of the lifecycle of likely support post-release, DLC, Updates etc.

If you're going to come out and say that it's not ready (and I think by saying it was 20% complete a month before launch IS very much saying that) then you have to at least make some concession.

Something clearly went wrong with all these games (in all cases I'm pretty sure it was just that they were pushed out before they were really 100% ready) but I think BA have handled that a lot better than BB with the regularity of patches.
Something clearly went wrong with all these games (in all cases I'm pretty sure it was just that they were pushed out before they were really 100% ready) but I think BA have handled that a lot better than BB with the regularity of patches.
Exactly. What I read from some articles is that the developers and publishers of TWT had announced the game in May 2017 and I don't see any other projects of Breakpoint Studios. They had freaking 1 year to develop a game. Whereas, Big Ant developed and published nearly 3-4 games in that period of time. Blaming Big Ant and criticizing them is very wrong thing when you know that they had been developing 4 games at a time while comparing it with the developer who hasn't done much for full one year and still launches a broken game and later tries to cover up by promising future updates. RIP logic.
Developer has promised to fix the game through future patches. That doesn't mean those bugs must be considered as "fixed". Reviews are very much against TWT. AO Tennis still has the positive reviews even after 5 months of release when compared to negative reviews of TWT within the period of 15 days. "NOT RECOMMENDED" is the one that is very common in steam reviews.

Big Ant must be appreciated for their hardworkand passion as they are working on two titles - fixing the bugs, implementation of customer feedbacks, interaction with customers etc..

You do realise that TWT only came out yesterday on Steam? So referencing reviews on there is a little bit pointless... AOIT has quite mixed reviews also on Steam, plenty of people have given the "NOT RECOMMENDED" review on the game.

The other thing is that AOIT has been out since January, TWT was still in a much better state in it's launch release compared to AO, I know some disagree on that, but most of the people I have spoken to agree with that.

Also referencing Big Ant making 3-4 games in that time frame while Breakpoint only made 1, you do realise each of those games had a lot of issues on launch? Two of which were more or less the games released previously with some added content in the way Ashes Cricket and RLL4 World Cup edition.
You do realise that TWT only came out yesterday on Steam? So referencing reviews on there is a little bit pointless... AOIT has quite mixed reviews also on Steam, plenty of people have given the "NOT RECOMMENDED" review on the game.
So you mean to say, the negative reviews on TWT would change in future with the updates? Let's see.
The other thing is that AOIT has been out since January, TWT was still in a much better state in it's launch release compared to AO, I know some disagree on that, but most of the people I have spoken to agree with that.
Again, I would say the time period for development. Big Ant got very less time and Breakpoint Studios had full one year. Even if we say that Big Ant rushed with the release of the unfinished game along with development and support of other games, what were the Breakpoint Studios thinking when they decided to launch an unfinished game after working on it (one game) for a year? AOIT is still getting updates. They are fixing the game and improving it, while TWT will be getting remaining "unfinished /" part of the game. Fixing the bugs will be additional.

Also referencing Big Ant making 3-4 games in that time frame while Breakpoint only made 1, you do realise each of those games had a lot of issues on launch? Two of which were more or less the games released previously with some added content in the way Ashes Cricket and RLL4 World Cup edition.
They are providing post-release support for such games through patches.
To add to above discussion about reviews on AOIT and TWT - AOIT has been given negative reviews for game crashes, bugs, gameplay glitches etc.. which can be fixed through patches. But TWT has recieved negative reviews due to incomplete game, bugs, unplayable gameplay. Bugs and crashes can be fixed. But how will they complete/finish the game?

Yes, TWT is very new and has lot more time with it for future updates. But in the history of sports games development, there are very little or no evidences about fixing a whole unfinished game through patches.
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You do realise that TWT only came out yesterday on Steam? So referencing reviews on there is a little bit pointless... AOIT has quite mixed reviews also on Steam, plenty of people have given the "NOT RECOMMENDED" review on the game.

The other thing is that AOIT has been out since January, TWT was still in a much better state in it's launch release compared to AO, I know some disagree on that, but most of the people I have spoken to agree with that.

I don't think anyone is saying that any of these games were better than the others at launch TBH - They are all around the 40-50 mark on Metacritic, although AOIT has better scores than AO (obviously) and marginally better than TWT. AOIT is markedly better now after some patches; sadly I don't think a lot of reviewers will go back and re-score it.

And how long a team has spent on a game is irrelevant IMO - the consumer shouldn't have to care about that.

The big difference for me is that BA seem more inclined towards their end customers, whereas the BB statement seems to be to placate shareholders?
Hey Cat sorry I have not been able to engage with you due to commitments with Uni and Physio through the majority of the day today I've been replying quickly on my phone to a lot of things and have not really got the chance to sit down and really go through the thread till now.

First of all it wasn't the side spin point I was annoyed with it was the constant going on and on about it that annoyed me, anyway I have worked things out with Dazzer now and hope we can move forward.

Second of all I feel that you have to know all the issues of AO that have not been fixed since launch go check out one of JohnnyDGaming's videos from Jan and you can see that their are still bugs from that build that grace us today player movement being one of them. I feel if you had got the game in May/June you would probably give it more of a chance to improve as you are playing the version that we have now got after 5 months of waiting as your first version of the game we have had 5 months of waiting for real solid improvement and has the game improved yes but not at the level it should be.

Tennis World Tour was only released three weeks ago thats why I am giving it that waiting period for updates and improvements, some areas of the world only got it yesterday and some are still waiting so I'm waiting for every area to get it and a couple of updates to really base my opinion of the game. Right now all I can see is that TWT at launch is better then what AO was at launch in Jan.

Also I would like to say thanks for backing me up in that reply to Ross earlier I appreciate it heaps.
No problem and thanks for getting in contact.
I can understand and maybe best to push the 'ignore' button in future when the conversation was getting repetative... I am for banter so no problem. I now have a copy of AO tennis but as someone said it will be another five months until TWT is playable so who's to say they/we/I wont have both copies? I have to admit the game looked really bad and the feeling was negative so I hope my opinion here will count when I play it. As does your's and a valid one it is too.[DOUBLEPOST=1528912055][/DOUBLEPOST]He wont... Time to abandon ship matey x[DOUBLEPOST=1528912111][/DOUBLEPOST]
So people are basically saying let's get in the toilet, rain will give you water to wash it out in few weeks.
I have no idea what you are saying... Please just run it by us again x
Thanks for this. I am keen to hear more why you think twt has more potential and what they are hoping to implement the coming months?
We all are... Just took delivery of AOIT... But then this may end up a Fifa vs PES foot race... Exciting times!
Nice to know man that there is some side spin in there! Yeah we both want the same thing which is a good realistic Tennis game on consoles both of us are passionate about it as well which is good devs need to know the market is still there and that fans are willing to buy a game that portrays the sport in a realistic way
And also good to have some decent competition... Anyone for Madden????[DOUBLEPOST=1528913584][/DOUBLEPOST]
Amount of side spin please?
I think that's enough of that young man... Thankyou!!!
And also good to have some decent competition... Anyone for Madden????[DOUBLEPOST=1528913584][/DOUBLEPOST]
I think that's enough of that young man... Thankyou!!!

That list of so called improvements for TWT they are planning is a pile of shi........ not much mentioned in the way of gameplay was there.

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