Terrible game. Full of bugs. Who else agrees?

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There is no 3rd man fielder!!

Keeper,slips stand very near to wicket..when fast bowler is bowling!!

this game is pathetic

BLC99 still remains the best game with great gameplay.
Wow!! Someone's actually comparing this to the Ashes franchise.
This is the best cricket game I have ever played. Absolutely amazing. I have spend hours playing the career mode.
Yes, its not perfect but one important thing is that most of the bugs are patchable and none of them are game-breaking. So lets just wait for it to get patched and most of the bugs will go, I am sure....:yes
Wow!! Someone's actually comparing this to the Ashes franchise.
This is the best cricket game I have ever played. Absolutely amazing. I have spend hours playing the career mode.
Yes, its not perfect but one important thing is that most of the bugs are patchable and none of them are game-breaking. So lets just wait for it to get patched and most of the bugs will go, I am sure....:yes

If online gameplay can be improved, this game would be infinitely better than any of its predecessors.
How many of my 30 wickets are caught behind? 0.
There are enough testimonies from other guys to prove that getting the AI caught behind is possible. If you haven't been able to do so then it means you are doing something wrong. So, stop blaming BigAnt.
What a load of crap pc can be, all he has done is give his opinion, and as always everyone jumps on the bandwagon when someone criticises anything to do with this game.

It's a forum to give opinions, not some DB Cricket fan boy get together
To give a crappy opinion after just playing for less than 1 day is bull. Also not to read the other threads ( which states their will be a patch soon)and post is quite irrational.
I had to make an account just for this.

So the OP complains about DBC not being realistic enough, and yet he references International Cricket 2010? You know, the game where pretty much every ball you bowled on a half decent difficulty level went for a boundary, no matter what line and length you bowled.

I cannot, and will not take your opinion seriously. It's like you're saying Ronaldo is terrible when the only comparison is Javier Mascherano. Batting in the PC nets alone tells me the game isn't easy, and I've edged tons of balls to where the keeper would have been.

Now by all accounts there are flaws, but things still aren't perfect in FIFA which sells god knows how many millions of copies and has a humongous budget. This is a small studio (hence the ?50 you paid) who are doing everything they can to improve the game and make it as good as they can. At least give them some respect.

I even bought IC 2010 for a second time for about a fiver a year or so ago because I convinced myself that the game couldn't have been that bad. What a waste of a fiver.
What a load of crap pc can be, all he has done is give his opinion, and as always everyone jumps on the bandwagon when someone criticises anything to do with this game.

It's a forum to give opinions, not some DB Cricket fan boy get together

He got the reaction he did because his main points are issues that have already been scheduled to be patched. It just made it look like he hadn't bothered reading any of the other posts but wanted everyone to read his and agree with him.
Is informed criticism too much to ask for? Sure, it shouldn't have some of the bugs it does out of the box but all you can really ask is for Big Ant to patch issues and they are.
The game isn't too bad. This 'half depressing' thing where you only half squeeze one of the triggers to play a batting shot surely can't work. You either don't press the trigger...or press the trigger to activate it!!!
The trigger is either activated...or not activated. How can you 'half activate' a trigger by half squeezing it?
The game isn't too bad. This 'half depressing' thing where you only half squeeze one of the triggers to play a batting shot surely can't work. You either don't press the trigger...or press the trigger to activate it!!!
The trigger is either activated...or not activated. How can you 'half activate' a trigger by half squeezing it?

Triggers are analog and depending on how far you push down the triggers, you will get a different output. L1/LB & R1/RB are not analog however, and those you either push or don't.
Saying "it's going to be patched" doesn't mean his points are meaningless though. People are well within their right to review the thing they bought off the shelf.
So these are my reasons for coming to the conclusion that this is a over hyped piece of junk. The only positive thing for me is the stats. I mean you would have done well to f&@% them up. I like looking at my average and strike rate over the season. I commend that. 3-1

So I will be putting my copy on eBay to try and regain some of my loss. I'll leave you with one last comment from that dull commentator as I mistakenly put Eoin Morgan into bowl my last online over. " the batsman will have to beware this bowler has terrific pace and can really hurt you"

Though I can see where you are coming from, I definitely disagree to say IC2010 is a better game. Have been playing IC2010 for more than 3 years now and DBC14 gains upper hand eyes closed!

Have never felt the cricketing ambience of playing an actual cricket anytime & have never seen any other games to get the definition of cricket right. But oh well, have been only batting all these days as a career player & I feel that batting mechanics is close to being perfect for first time in a game.

Looks like, people who have chosen to master the bowling - game is taking them all together to a different world! Have to try it out before commenting on any bowling.
Though I can see where you are coming from, I definitely disagree to say IC2010 is a better game. Have been playing IC2010 for more than 3 years now and DBC14 gains upper hand eyes closed!

Have never felt the cricketing ambience of playing an actual cricket anytime & have never seen any other games to get the definition of cricket right. But oh well, have been only batting all these days as a career player & I feel that batting mechanics is close to being perfect for first time in a game.

Looks like, people who have chosen to master the bowling - game is taking them all together to a different world! Have to try it out before commenting on any bowling.

Can't figure out why folks rate IC 2010 ahead of AC09. IC 2010 was barely a patched AC09 but screwed up online gameplay, which was like taking a step forward and 10 backwards.

DBC 14 offline is the best cricket game till date. However based on what we've seen so far, AC09 is ahead in terms of online gameplay.
Saying "it's going to be patched" doesn't mean his points are meaningless though. People are well within their right to review the thing they bought off the shelf.

That's fair enough but his review was only filled with 'negatives'. There are plenty of things worth applauding too. An unbalanced review similar in many respects to the review on Amazon written by thefonz.
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