The Animal Enclosure Issues Challenge

Well then go to their forums then, no one cares about CricSim, they are just another level of crapness.

PC > TAE > TTFSL > A blind Monk > CricSim > My vomit from last night > GreenPitch
Ahh TFFSL smashed you try hards. TFFSL was the best site that ever existed, but TAE is the next generation.
Ahh TFFSL smashed you try hards. TFFSL was the best site that ever existed, but TAE is the next generation.

Erm, they lost to zip. I don't think that TAE is the next generation of TFFSL. It seems much better run than that. I guess at this point I'm supposed to bag you for being an Aussie and correct your grammar...
Let's hope for the sake of the series that TAE is a hell of lot better than your old forum.
At Jakester, you weren't saying that when you were begging to be unbanned from TAE were you?

TAE guys, calm down a bit and have a bit of dignity...we have to have more than PC, they have Tom for Christ's sake!
We've arranged some friendly matches against teams your standard to get TAE in shape. Game 1 is against the PC development side; they're all nursery age and still developing fine and gross motor skills but we think it will be a fair match-up. Game 2 is against a team from the Blind School, just to give you a chance we won't let the guidedogs field for them. Game 3 will be against the PC grandmas team who have a fearsome reputation for being able to do things better than most professional athletes. Once again to give you a chance we're restricting it to grandmas who are missing two or more limbs.
Obviously we'll allow for flexible team numbers during the matches; your whole squad can bat and bowl and we'll play with 6 at most.

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