The Animal Enclosure Issues Challenge

The Animal Enclosure? Cool name, must have been massive amounts of high-fives going around when you settled on that one. You fellas lead a wild life.
The Animal Enclosure? Cool name, must have been massive amounts of high-fives going around when you settled on that one. You fellas lead a wild life.
Judging by your avatar it looks like you belong in one mate.;)
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Draw up some fixtures and it's on!

(You issued the challenge, you do the work!)

Their you go,

The 3 ODI's
October 1st (PC)
October 5th (TAE)
October 9th (PC)

The 3 Test's
October 15th (TAE)
October 23rd (PC)
November 1st (TAE)

Be ready, cause we are coming to get ya.
This banter is pathetic.....nothing has changed at PC i see.
This banter is pathetic.....nothing has changed at PC i see.
Just like your underwear then, ay?

And don't try to deny it, your mom was complaining about it last night. But don't worry, I took care of that...

Is that better for you?
This banter is pathetic.....nothing has changed at PC i see.

Bit hard when you're the only one from TAE responding (never mind that you post the same thing everytime).
I agree that there isn't as much interest in this series as the previous one but hopefully it'll increase once the games actually start.
Nothing is ever that easy, especially games such as these. Firstly, there's the beer to be organised. Secondly there's the beer chiller pads to be cleaned. Thirdly, there's the bookmakers to consult. Fourthly there's tassie's limousine to be waxed and polished. Lastly there's beer to be organised.
Bat on.
Judging by your avatar it looks like you belong in one mate.;)
I get it, my avatar is an animal, and your name is the animal enclosure, so you're saying I belong in the animal enclosure. Classic stuff.

Animals who have to be put into enclosures because they can't roam with the big boys have a little bit of hardening up to do. This is a different sort of hardening up to the hardening up you all probably did on first sight of my avatar, by the way.

tassietiger added 1 Minutes and 48 Seconds later...

This banter is pathetic.....nothing has changed at PC i see.
Big call. You remember what we did to TFFSLFSLFL. That site was destroyed to the point they weren't even a forum by the time we'd finished with them. And I wasn't even trying that time. Tread carefully.
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Duck me fed! Your avatar is an animal? My eyes must be playing tricks on me. Sheesh, now my wallet's disappeared! Nurse, a schooner of scotch please. Okay, Glenfiddich will do if that's all you have. And administer it orally this time!
Now who are these enclosed animals? I opened an envelope and nothing was enclosed. Ripped off. Unless its those furry little critters getting gished on the marina slipway near our yacht.
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