The Animal Enclosure - Join the Revolution

The problem was a simple one to work out, just a bad addon that seemed to disagree with the site, or an addon that didn't like a certain Reaper...:D

The second email was....

Someone has a very weird sense of humour...heh.;)

Damn straight, I am an evil tyrant. :cool: :D :happy
The problem was a simple one to work out, just a bad addon that seemed to disagree with the site, or an addon that didn't like a certain Reaper...:D

The second email was....

Someone has a very weird sense of humour...heh.;)

you miss the last bit!!!
Not if they have been given so many chances before and registered an alias trying to come back to the forum.

Ok, You know who I am right. I was going through a rough time with my forum and I was kinda addicted and out of my mine now. I passed it over. Good luck with you forum Maj and TGR. I wish you all the sucess:D
Ok, You know who I am right. I was going through a rough time with my forum and I was kinda addicted and out of my mine now. I passed it over. Good luck with you forum Maj and TGR. I wish you all the sucess:D
It was quite obvious who you were, and you knew how many chances you were given. The final decision was not mine it was someone elses we do not like banning people as we are a small forum trying to grow but people should not spam up our boards, nor our pm system.

None of the admin, or the other staff went on your forum and spammed, we didn't try and steal any of your members and we certainly didn't do anything against you or your forum. But you kept asking people to goto your site and you would give them a moderators job there, and that is not how you get members.

You do not spam, like we are not here to spam this forum with ours, sure we'd love to get some more members, and would like to work with other forums and have posters posting on each, but we're not out to steal members for the purpose of stealing if they want to come, well and good but we are not going to pester people.

But thank you.

We have some big changes planned at the site.
TGR - It's his initials

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