The Best Cricket Commentator

Interesting Topic Guys: Let me Arrange Good Commentators in line:

1: Tony Greg (In the Air...)
2: Micheal Holding (very brave voice)
3: Ravi Shastri (i personally prefer a commentator should sound like him)
4: David Lloyd (funny man)
5: Mark Nicholas (and what a big smile on his face :D)
6: Dean Jones ( Going Going Gone!)
7: Navjot Singh Sidhu (not a commentator now but one of my all time fav)
8: Richie Benaud (sorry Old man but u always make me to sleep)
9: Ranjit Fernando ( Bringing a typical Srilankan voice in the game i like him)
10: Harsha Bhogle (An Encyclopedia)
Then why do you always begin Aussie-Banging everywhere?

Mark Nicholas isn't Australian you buffoon. I thought Aronveel was bad, but you take the biscuit mate.

Surprised that the votes are mainly going to Bumble here. I'd have thought that Richie Benaud, Bill Lawry and Tony Cozier would have got more votes. Bumble's good and everything, very funny bloke, certainly one of my favourite commentators, but it's not exactly difficult for him to stand out above the sea of boredom and bias from the likes of Hussain, Botham and Atherton. I could listen to the commentary from the Channel 9 team all day without getting bored, but I tend to get bored extremely quickly when watching the Sky broadcast.

Arun Lal
Laxman Shiva rama Krishnan (copy catting Harsha Bhogle)
Sunil Gavaskar (come on old man i am also a fan of Indian team but you should not praising the team too much).
Pume Mbangwa( i cann't even spell his name forget about commenting)
Rameez Raja ( Kameez Rani :D:D:D)
Ian botham (He has the same problem of Sunil Gavaski.. Praising England team..)
Wasim Akram (he is a good man, he comments well but i hate his acsent)
Athar Ali khan (when he comes to this job.. I laugh and laugh and luagh sometime i think he is sleeping and doing a speak walk(just like night walk )...)lol
sanjay manjerekar ( doesn't like him really)
I don't see why people get wound up when commentators are biased. If they are former players, what do you expct? Of course Sunil Gavaskar is going to be biased towards India, of course Ian Beef is going to be biased towards England...
Pomme Mbangwa's actually a very good commentator. He did the Stanford Super Series for Sky and was actually very good. He's got a decent voice for commentary, and appears to know what he's talking about, mixing him with Tony Cozier and David Lloyd was what made that commentary team worth listening to. Not generally a fan of the English commentators tbh, except for Bumble and Bob Willis, but I only like Willis because he's so controversial and just speaks his mind with seemingly no care in the world. Love the bloke.
I can't listen to any Aussie other than Richie or Slats for more than 30 minutes, their voices really get to me.
After listening to channel 9 for the last 15-20 years, I'd say Ian Chappell is the best commentator. He doesn't have a good commentary voice or delivery, but he talks sense and usually about interesting topics. Only if he bangs on about the front foot no ball rules/administrators does he get a bit boorish. Richie is decent, but with the recent upgrade to a 3 man commentary box, he rarely gets the opportunity to speak now, especially if in the box with Bill Lawry - the worst commentator.

Bill just talks rubbish. He just gushes about the Aussie players, particularly Symonds, Ponting and formerly Gilchrist and Warne. Get him started on the fielding of the Aussies and suddenly he's slipped in 5 sentences describing the whole team's 'brilliance in the field', how they are 'tremendous athletes' blah blah blah. He lives in a dream world and instead of commenting on WHY teams are doing what they are doing, he always talks about what they SHOULD be doing. How they should have an extra slip, a leg gully etc etc. He's always smarter than the on field captain. He offers no insight at all for the viewer, the only thing he gives is an excitable personality.

I can't wait for Gilly to get a commentary gig. He just seems a bit more animated than the other ex players/captains, like Allan Border, Steve Waugh, Shane Warne etc.

But with all that said, some of the Indian commentators are awful. I watched pretty much all the IPL, and I would have loved a dollar for everytime Arun Lal talked about 'pressure'. It was awful, not to mention all the 'Citi moments of success'. ARRGGGHHH
Likewise, about Gilly, if his book is anything to go by. :D
Also, dada commentating would be awesome.
You guys have missed some good commentators...what about...

Mark "tubby" Taylor
Ian Healey
Mike Haysman (before he became Allen Stanford media man)
Henry Blofeld and Jonathon Agnew of TMS
Barry Richards

These are all really good...can you think of any more?
I like a lot.

Everyone on the Channel 9 team except Ian Healy and Michael Slater (he's decent but gets annoying at times)
Bumble and Holding
Ian Smith
Ravi is the best Indian one.

About Tony Cozier, I get sick of him talking about the West Indies but he's ok at times.
I don't see why people get wound up when commentators are biased. If they are former players, what do you expct? Of course Sunil Gavaskar is going to be biased towards India, of course Ian Beef is going to be biased towards England...

Nothing against them just when you aren't from England/India then it's the last thing you want to hear just like for you when the Aussie commentators are all bias against the opposition.
Ravi Shastri
POMMIE! (Anyone remember him from the IPL?)
Mark Nicholas (Actually like him!)
Harsha Bhogle
Nasser Hussain
Tubby Taylor
Micheal Holding
Tony Greig (Best hype-builder in the world. "Shoaib Akthar to Sachin Tendulkar, fast and furious, short pitched and OHHHHH! SACH-IN TEN-DUL-KAR! Hooked to the backward fence boundary for fooour, he is the best batsman in the world!")

Cricketman added 1 Minutes and 52 Seconds later...

But of course, if Ricky Ponting were to be a commentator, he would win hands down. There would be no competition.

oF Courze!

and so would UUUUUVVVVVVVV!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111 King of T20 iz king of commentary now yaaaaaaaaar.
Bill Lawry has to take the cake for worst doesnt he, Clarke edges through slips he clearly looks dissapointed

"What a magnificent shot, soft hands guides it down to 3rd man for 4"

he does this like everytime an aussie stuffs up

I think Lawry is funny to listen to when he says "Gone!" in that voice that sounds like it is breaking.

Healy is a good commentator and because he is the only keeper on the 9 Panel he provides insight about how keeper's are going which is a good change from the standard batting, bowling and fielding talks.

I found it interesting to hear this afternoon when Slater or Taylor asked Healy what sign can a keeper take find if he is going well because obviously batsmen will score runs, bowlers will take wickets etc. Healy said things about your foot movement and your positioning and then went on to comment on that Haddin was doing those things correct.

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