The Big Bang Theory

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Thanks for the offer on watching online, I have three films on my hard drive that I haven't gotten around to watching and would buy if easily and cheaply available, but I don't like sitting at my PC to watch films and play heavily involved games like FM partly because I sit at a PC all day as part of my job.
Thanks for the offer on watching online, I have three films on my hard drive that I haven't gotten around to watching and would buy if easily and cheaply available, but I don't like sitting at my PC to watch films and play heavily involved games like FM partly because I sit at a PC all day as part of my job.

20-25 minute episodes of comedies aren't so bad, I don't like watching movies on my PC either. It was on E4 the other week (again)

Saw the last episode of series 2 (?) where they go off to the north pole. That has some classic lines in it, even if some of the plot is pretty lame ie the discussions way outweigh the action.

Leonard : "Sheldon, what words are there that I can say right now that will end this conversation so I can go back to sleep?"

Sheldon : "Odd. President Seibert posed the exact same question."

Also has one of the funniest scenes ever, where Sheldon is knocking on Penny's door as usual, three times (*knock*, "Penny", *knock*, "Penny", *knock*, "Penny") except she knocks back with "Sheldon" every time and his reaction is hilarious!

Saw the latest one of these on Thursday, wasn't overly impressed although it had some funny moments in it. The overall plot was pretty lame, they go to some 'do' in order to secure funding off wrinklies except one fancies Leonard.
Sadly it is losing the zing from bazinga and is now just baa. I'm sure I've said before having couples is a surefire way to stifle a comedy where the essence is they were single for a reason.

Last plot was just so lame it was lame-ntable, and that character played by Blossom is just so weak it's cringeworthy. And was Raj stripping while chatting up that girl funny? Was that the best side effect they could come up with? Passing out would have been funny, p1ssing himself would have been funny, farting, virtually anything you would be embarrassed to do while chatting someone up, but not something you simply wouldn't do. His inability to talk to women does hinder the comedy somewhat, he is an unfulfilled character as I've said before.

Less of the couples element, more Kripki, Winkle and child geniuses. Sheldon has such comic potential that is so unexplored when he has his other half, AFF, and the humour might as well be 30 fathoms under the atlantic it is so drowned by two of the nerds being couples. It's making many of the same mistakes made in Friends, they managed to overcome those but Chandler was not the same comedic value once a couple with Monica.
The main problem is the 3 girlfriends don't have the comedy chemistry that Penny brings. Her and Sheldon are by far the funniest together but she has her funny moments with the rest of them too, less so with Leonard as they are trying to push the awkward ex couples vibe before they eventually get back together. The other 3 girls aren't funny and aren't good together when they do their all girls nights.
New to see there is a thread for the Big Bang theory only got in to a few weeks a go and love Sheldon and penny. Raj is funny and his sister is not attractive in any way
Raj is funny and his sister is not attractive in any way

She may be a little primly presented, but she is hot. Whether or not you find her attractive is neither here nor there, and your problem, but to say she isn't attractive in any way is wrong.

The main problem is the 3 girlfriends don't have the comedy chemistry that Penny brings. Her and Sheldon are by far the funniest together but she has her funny moments with the rest of them too, less so with Leonard as they are trying to push the awkward ex couples vibe before they eventually get back together. The other 3 girls aren't funny and aren't good together when they do their all girls nights.

Hadn't looked at it quite that way, you are right. The girlfriends not only defeat the main theme of the comedy, but aren't funny at all. They clutter up the comedy, it makes a neat group of four geeks plus penny into four geeks, Penny and a load of unfunny women. Bernadette is quite cute, sexy, but frankly a tertiary kind of character - like a number nine batting two or three places too high. Likewise Amy Farrah Fowler, except she is a godawful character with no redeeming features. Priya or whatever her name is may be hot, but her relationship with Leonard has one night stand comic value only, to annoy Raj but after that it just annoys everyone (this side of the screen)

Disappointing finale, had some funny bits as the comedy can maintain, but the plots are sheering off exponentially towards naff to the power infinity. The episode and series ending scene(s) were too predictable, not really funny, and it is in danger of becoming more what I might call a soap opera with funny overtones. Before it was independent episodes that you could watch individually without the need for continuity, with some characters who make repeated appearances. Now it is becoming an ongoing saga, the Leonard-Penny saga that drags on. Do they not realise on-off-on-off-on-off just put people OFF............?

Some episodes do you even realise they are geeks who can't get a date? One's getting married, another is in a relationship with another girl wanting him and even one who isn't interested at all has a gal pal/partner of sorts. They've pretty much abandoned Sheldon's regime that made them geeks above all others with 'Halo night', classic games night (or whatever that was called) etc There simply isn't enough time in a 23 or whatever minute episode to cover all the funny things and involve a main set of characters hitting on double figures not including relatives, colleagues etc who make guest appearances now and then.

Methinks it may end in a big bang as the plot explodes out of control.
Sorry but Big Bang Theory has imploded, the plots are becoming tedious and dire.

SPOILER ALERT, I am going to do a brief summary of the overplot although there isn't really much to disclose as nothing much happens and any comedy is in the jokes as the plots aren't funny (any more)

- Amy becomes depressed because the girls went wedding dress shopping without her.

- Leonard finds a passably attractive comic book chick and stops shy of sh.................................aring time in bed with her, only to confess to Priya and find out she's been giving it away

- Sheldon's mum visits and he is annoyed she spends time with his friends instead of him

- Sheldon tries to stop his friends going to party of nemesis Wil Wheaton, becomes friends with him himself while the women in Wallowitz's life don't want him to go into space in a russian rocket.

- Raj is matched up with a deaf girl and becomes a complete d1ck, while Sheldon rolls die to decide things.

All stinks of running out of ideas. They've done Penny-Leonard and going back would probably be detrimental and go t1ts up, they've matched off Wallowitz and flogged Priya beyond it being even funny. Amy is a terrible character and leads to godawful plots, she is also de-Sheldonising and just becoming one of those girls who isn't popular at school but tries hard to be. The focus has decentralized from four geeks, three of whom can't get women and the fourth doesn't want one, to double the central characters and awful plots.

I think it was the writers of Father Ted who said after three series you end up reusing old jokes, this has run out of plots. I could probably come up with 10 plots/themes better than those above. Can't remember which of the unmemorable episodes had Sheldon desperately trying to play a halloween prank on the others after they played a terrible one on him that was like living in hell to watch.

First three series were poor in places, but excellent overall. Fourth was disappointing, fifth barely holds together and only because of the characters. If I watched any of series five having not seen it before, I wouldn't watch or rate it. It has gone from leading in the field of comedy, dropped back to the middle of the pack and is now falling towards the back.
Just love the series barring those laughing soundtracks every now and then - such a pain to hear.

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