The PlanetCricket View: The decline of Australian Cricket

Jan 13, 2010
Article by Sylvester -

Throughout the history of cricket, there have been vital matches which have marked the beginning of the end for a once dominant side. The previous one was the fall of the mighty West Indies in 1994 which continues to be marked as the day when the dominance moved from West Indies to Australia. We have now reached a similar stage but this time around, there is no clear number 1 side despite what the ICC rankings say.

Australia’s fall from grace has been a steady fall until recently where they have slipped down to 5th on the Test rankings and they are now in the midst of a 7 game losing streak, something unheard off for over two decades. So where has it gone all wrong?

The first part of the problem starts at the very top of the chain; the National Selection Panel (NSP). We have heard for years from the Channel 9 commentators how Australian cricket won’t make the same mistakes that the West Indies did back in the 90s. However, this is far from the case when you now see the age of the side. The transition period was looking good after the introduction of Siddle and Hughes which led to a surprising series victory over South Africa in SA. However, since that period only Bollinger has made the transition in the team. The transistion period has essentially stopped and the team will have to go through this period all over again once Ponting, Katich, Hussey and North call it a day. The latter two whom are currently being carried through their form slumps which further emphasis the problem at hand.

The selectors have clearly missed a trick by continuing to persist with Marcus North when there were numerous youngsters banging down the door for selection. Michael Hussey has been given more leeway because of his past heroic but he too is now in the same boat as North. The Hussey that burst onto the scene averaging 80 in the first two years of his career, has since averaged 40 since that period. Once again the selectors have been presented with a chance to bring in a youngster, albeit in the biggest series in Cricket. There is only so long you can carry the dead wood, the selectors were on the money by getting rid of Matthew Hayden from the Test side but have stood by North and Hussey for far too long.

Now I could go on about the bad calls our selectors have made but I’ll still be writing for another week. So my last comment regarding them comes in the current ODI series against Sri Lanka. Xavier Doherty who just grabbed a 4 fer on debut ended up being replaced by Hauritz. Hauritz has done nothing recently to suggest he should walk straight into the side especially over Doherty who has been the form domestic spinner for the 50 over format. Without doubt there is a serious overhaul of the selection panel required and I don’t mean just sacking Merv Hughes.

The next problem with the Australian side lies with the coach. The standards of the once mighty Australian side has been sliding ever since the departure of John Buchanan. There have been numerous world records set against Australia and now teams are coming back from impossible positions to win matches. You then have bowlers that don’t bowl to a plan, something which they have no problem doing at State level. The side has become ill-disciplined and seems to lack ideas which comes right down to the coach. The sooner Australia get a new coach the better it is for the side.

The much talked about captaincy woes is another of Australia’s problems. Ricky Ponting is the ideal leader when leading from the front but when it comes to the tactical side of things, he is well behind. Just seeing Kumar Sangakkara setting good fields and watching his bowlers bowl to that was a treat, on the other hand watching Ricky Ponting set his fields and then watching the bowlers bowl away from that was a complete nightmare. The captain in waiting – Michael Clarke hasn’t fared much better and he lacks that aura about him to be a test captain. There is already disharmony in the camp with him as captain which is never a good sign.

And the last part of the chain lies with the players. There are batsmen who can no longer concentrate long enough to make a big hundred, it has come to a stage where I expect them to fall soon after their 50. Now if you compare this to other sides, they have a number of batsmen that are making big hundreds. Then you have the bowlers that aren’t bowling to a plan and dissing out pies. Again comparing this to other sides, even the most recent match by Sri Lanka shows what a mess Australian cricket is at the moment. A lot of this lies with the people higher up in the tree, it really comes down to the coach and captain getting the best out of the players. The best example of this is that test series in SA which I mentioned earlier. That was a team firing on all cylinders despite having Andrew McDonald as a frontline bowler. Mitchell Johnson and Peter Siddle were bowling with venom and control and North was tuning out centuries. Confidence is a big factor in this but there is something not quite right when the same bowlers that bowled with such control, can now barely follow a plan.

Despite all of the problems mentioned, Australia came mighty close to beating India on home soil and may well have done so if Doug Bollinger didn’t have to leave the field. This does not mean changes aren’t required because they most definitely are required. A revamped middle order would be a good start followed by a new coach and selectors.

Interesting read. I definetly agree that Australia should be bringing in more youngsters in the team and things really need to change for Australia if they want to regain their status as the best.
Well written.Selectors have clearly gone wrong and the sad reality is they haven't realise that.Hughes should never have been drop but even if he was drop for the ashes, he should have come back verses the windies.Especially since Hussey was clearly way past it.North hanging on to his place just prove selectors have failed.How can a guy fail this much and still hold on to his place with relative ease.Khawaja is now banging the door down really hard,surely Hussey and North can't hold on to their place much longer with such lack of performances.Its just so obvious a change is needed, the good thing is we have two very talented youngsters who have scored heavy at first class level in Hughes and Khawaja.Its sad there ain't more though,Ferguson looks a gun but his stats in fc don't say much.I believe he is test material though.Was very puzzling that Doherty got dropped.Its not like Hauritz been producing top performances of late,and a spinner takes 4 and gets drop?Don't the selectors see the big picture?Aussie cricket needs to motivate spinners especially someone who just grabs a 4fer.Defies logic really.
Agree with the general vibe here, but there are some little things that bugged me. The implication is that the Aussie team hasn't changed much recently, and that may be true if you take only the VERY recent into account. But by using the SA '09 series as a cutoff you are deliberately leaving out: North, Siddle, Hilfenhaus and Watson, even Hauritz as regular players who have only come into the team in the last 2 years. That's half your XI that has 2 yrs or less as a regular. Using the SA series is a little strange too, since that's a series Australia won impressively. Why WOULD there be changes after that?

Better for your case would be the lack of changes after the Ashes. But that's really only a year ago, and Australia were unlucky to lose that series really. One wicket in Cardiff, and the runs and wickets aggregates were dominated by Aussies. It was just collapses at bad times that cost us. Same in India - we weren't far away really. Ishant's blocking and an insanely good Tendulkar was about the only difference.

And I didn't like the snide comment about Hauritz getting back to the ODI side. Sure Doherty did well, but Hauritz has been a regular in the ODI team for the last 18 months and has taken the 2nd most wickets after Johnson in that time, so saying he's done nothing recently is not fair. It was also pretty clear that Doherty was getting a run because of Hauritz'z Shield commitments. If anything, Doherty should have stayed in, but for Smith - but that's another argument. Hauritz has been a very reliable contributor and that's what Australia lacks. Consistency - particularly from the bowlers. That's why the idea of giving more young players a go is wrong IMHO. The young players we've tried can't string good spells together, particularly Siddle and Johnson. Hilfenhaus has been a great find, but we are crying out for someone dependable. I'd like to see bowlers have to prove themselves a bit more in FC cricket.

So that's my thing: reliable bowling (or at least not picking 2 or more unreliable guys at once), and stopping the batting collapses. My personal idea for something that could stop batting collapses is to change the order. At the moment Marcus North is our most volatile batsmen - yet he bats at #6 which is not smart to me. He's a 'boom or bust' batsman. You don't want a guy like that coming in at #6 IMO. You want him coming in earlier because if he does fail then you've got 2 proper batsmen in to halt any collapse, and your #6 to come. Batting him at #6, means the keeper has to halt any potential collapses and if it's due to a good spell of bowling he may not be able to resist with his inferior technique.

But talking about the Test batting is a bit tough because potentially it could change a LOT in just 6 weeks. After the Ashes over it's likely 1,2 maybe 3 of the 35 year old guys will be heading off and the batting order will have a whole new dynamic.

Anyway - Don't let my little nitpicking discourage - it was a good read. :yes
Yeah well. I won't be popping the champagne until the final nail is secure with an England Ashes victory :p
I don't think the whole 'Australia are terrible now' vibe is set yet. This losing streak is when we're not really focusing on that series to heavily, more looking forward to the Ashes.

An example is that there would have been no way if we were playing the best XI ODI players in the country that Hauritz would get a game. It's simply a warm-up for the ashes and preparing for them.
Agree with the general vibe here, but there are some little things that bugged me. The implication is that the Aussie team hasn't changed much recently, and that may be true if you take only the VERY recent into account. But by using the SA '09 series as a cutoff you are deliberately leaving out: North, Siddle, Hilfenhaus and Watson, even Hauritz as regular players who have only come into the team in the last 2 years. That's half your XI that has 2 yrs or less as a regular. Using the SA series is a little strange too, since that's a series Australia won impressively. Why WOULD there be changes after that?

The very recent is what I was going at. Take a look at the team and tell me how many players are going to be retiring in the next few years. Then take a look at what happened to the Windies back in the 90s. The similarities are alarming and something we should have prepared better for. We have had chances to take out Hussey and North, two of the main problems for our consistent collapses.

And I didn't like the snide comment about Hauritz getting back to the ODI side. Sure Doherty did well, but Hauritz has been a regular in the ODI team for the last 18 months and has taken the 2nd most wickets after Johnson in that time, so saying he's done nothing recently is not fair. It was also pretty clear that Doherty was getting a run because of Hauritz'z Shield commitments. If anything, Doherty should have stayed in, but for Smith - but that's another argument. Hauritz has been a very reliable contributor and that's what Australia lacks. Consistency - particularly from the bowlers. That's why the idea of giving more young players a go is wrong IMHO. The young players we've tried can't string good spells together, particularly Siddle and Johnson. Hilfenhaus has been a great find, but we are crying out for someone dependable. I'd like to see bowlers have to prove themselves a bit more in FC cricket.

James Hopes has been a good contributor to the side as well, didn't stop him being dropped. And I don't know where you got your stats from but neither Johnson or Hauritz are anywhere near our leading wicket takers this year. Hauritz has 19 wickets at 40 compared to Harris 40 at 15, Bollinger 28 at 23 and McKay's 22 wickets at 22. So if taking 19 wickets at an average of 40 is performing then our expectations are seriously slipping. So I see no reason why Hauritz should just walk back in on the back of that.
The very recent is what I was going at. Take a look at the team and tell me how many players are going to be retiring in the next few years. Then take a look at what happened to the Windies back in the 90s. The similarities are alarming and something we should have prepared better for. We have had chances to take out Hussey and North, two of the main problems for our consistent collapses.

James Hopes has been a good contributor to the side as well, didn't stop him being dropped. And I don't know where you got your stats from but neither Johnson or Hauritz are anywhere near our leading wicket takers this year. Hauritz has 19 wickets at 40 compared to Harris 40 at 15, Bollinger 28 at 23 and McKay's 22 wickets at 22. So if taking 19 wickets at an average of 40 is performing then our expectations are seriously slipping. So I see no reason why Hauritz should just walk back in on the back of that.

I usually would back up Hauritz , but i'm sure your figures are correct.He hasn't look at all threaten in quite a few odi's now.As i say it defies logic that Doherty comes in and takes a 4fer and get drop.I don't think Hauritz is a terrible odi spinner,just dat sometimes you got to make harsh calls.
@ Covvy , this is no excuse that We are focusing on Ashes and thats the reason we are losing :p
What were Australia focusing on when they lost the Ashes last year? :spy
I usually would back up Hauritz , but i'm sure your figures are correct.He hasn't look at all threaten in quite a few odi's now.As i say it defies logic that Doherty comes in and takes a 4fer and get drop.I don't think Hauritz is a terrible odi spinner,just dat sometimes you got to make harsh calls.

Here are the stats, didn't actually know how brilliant Harris has been but hes top of the tree. Cricket Records | Records | 2010 | One-Day Internationals | Most wickets |

If anything Hauritz could have come in for Siddle who was average in the first match and has been average in the ODIs he has played in to date. But as you said, you don't go dropping a spinner that performed the way he did. It's very rare for us to have a spinner do the damage he did especially against SL who are up there with India for playing spin let alone on debut.
Hauritz has been a very reliable contributor and that's what Australia lacks. Consistency - particularly from the bowlers. That's why the idea of giving more young players a go is wrong IMHO. The young players we've tried can't string good spells together, particularly Siddle and Johnson. Hilfenhaus has been a great find, but we are crying out for someone dependable. I'd like to see bowlers have to prove themselves a bit more in FC cricket

Have we really tried that many youngsters?I'm assuming you're talking about young bowlers but aussie problem isn't that young bowlers or batsman ain't reliable.How would we know if they are we haven't given them much of a go.I think fast bowling wise selectors have been spot on and that Hilfy , Bollinger and Johnson are our best 3 seamers and Harris and Siddle ( we can't really argue against them being 4 th or 5th in the pecking order).In terms of batsmen, are there any young players we've tried in the last 2 years who we can say weren't reliable?Hughes was the only one to really get much of a go and he has 2 centuries and an average of 51.His 3 innings failure in the ashes, one where he wasn't even out, isn't a large enough sample to say he wasn't reliable.You don't think just maybe the problem lies in the fact that we have 2 youngsters both averaging 55 in domestic cricket( Hughes and Khawaja) and we're scared to give them a look in.
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@ Covvy , this is no excuse that We are focusing on Ashes and thats the reason we are losing :p

You are Australian?:spy

Never been convinced with Hauritz, Watson has more ODI wickets than him this year. Is Harris coming back from an injury?
Have we really tried that many youngsters?I'm assuming you're talking about young bowlers but aussie problem isn't that young bowlers or batsman ain't reliable.How would we know if they are we haven't given them much of a go.I think fast bowling wise selectors have been spot on and that Hilfy , Bollinger and Johnson are our best 3 seamers and Harris and Siddle ( we can't really argue against them being 4 th or 5th in the pecking order).In terms of batsmen, are there any young players we've tried in the last 2 years who we can say weren't reliable?Hughes was the only one to really get much of a go and he has 2 centuries and an average of 51.His 3 innings failure in the ashes, one where he wasn't even out, isn't a large enough sample to say he wasn't reliable.You don't think just maybe the problem lies in the fact that we have 2 youngsters both averaging 55 in domestic cricket( Hughes and Khawaja) and we're scared to give them a look in.

Guessing he might mean Starc and co selection. That is down to us being at the bottom of the barrel. The other youngster are McKay and Hastings who have outstanding FC records.

Is Harris coming back from an injury?

He has played in the 2nd 11 comp and now Tasmania 168/5 (31.3 ov, JW Wells 13*, RJG Lockyear 14*, LW Feldman 0/42) - Match over | Live Scorecard | Seems like he did alright which is good as we need him back.
@ Covvy , this is no excuse that We are focusing on Ashes and thats the reason we are losing

I'm not using it as an excuse. TBH, I don't care one bit that we lost a useless ODI series against Sri Lanka.

We are obviously focusing more on the ashes but like you said, it's still no excuse to play bad.

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