Paddy is on a quizshow and the quiz master asks him to name 4 wild animals
'Errrrmmm thats a tough one to be sure' replies Paddy, 'eerrrmmm I'm gonna go for 3 lions and a tiger'

I was reading in the paper today about this dwarf that got pickpocketed.
How could anyone stoop so low?

Paddy and Mick are walking along the road when Mick gets knocked down by a car, Paddy quickly call for an ambulance.
Operator: Helllo can i help?
Paddy: I need an ambulance my mate Mick has been knocked down by a car
Operator: Ok keep calm, whats the name of the road you are on?
Paddy: It's extramediosist street
Operator: Can you spell that for me please?
The line goes silent for two minutes.....
Operator: hello are you there?
Paddy: Sorry I've just dragged him to Oak Street

A mate of mine asked me if I wanted to do a 10km fun run this weekend. I said I couldn't be arsed. "Go on," he said "It's for handicapped kids." 'Brilliant!' I thought. 'I could win this!'.

Son: "Daddy, I have to write a special report for school, but I don't know what Politics is."
Father: "Well, let's take our home as an example. I am the bread-winner, so let's call me Capitalism. Your Mum is the administrator of money, so we'll call her Government. We take care of your need, so let's call you The People. We'll call the maid the Working Class and your brother we can call The Future. Do you understand son?"
Son: "I'm not really sure, Dad. I'll have to think about it."
That night awakened by his brother's crying, the boy went to see what was wrong. Discovering that the baby had seriously soiled his diper, the boy went to his parents' room and found his mother sound asleep. He went to the maid's room, where, peeking through the keyhole, he saw his father in bed with the maid. The boy's knocking went totally unheeded by his father and the maid, so the boy returned to his room and went back to sleep.
The next morning he reported to his father.
Son: "Dad, now I think I understand what Politics is."
Father: "Good son! Can you explain it to me in your own words?"
Son: "Well Dad, while Capitalism is screwing the Working Class, Government is sound asleep, the People are being completely ignored and the Future is full of ****."