The PlanetCricket Battrick Sledging Thread

Oh lol never noticed I had 2 teams supporting me.

You got membership?! Saweet. I'm going to stalk you know.
Syl, I just found you on Batstats.


18th best rated team in Div V in Australia. You should promote soon, mate. You'd be ranked 117th if you were in IV. Wouldn't be that bad.

Flying Cows (top in my league) is 38th. I'm ranked 113th. No need to calculate my batsats anymore when I can just look here. 144. I think it was updated before my last league game, hence why it's 144.

Funny that the team that has been 2nd and occasionally first in my league is ranked 330.
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There's no point doing the other formats. Simply because no one takes them serious. It's a bit hard when you're playing 4 days a week every single week. Something that doesn't happen in real life.
Try England :p, somerset have played 11 days of cricket out of the last 12!
There's no point doing the other formats. Simply because no one takes them serious. It's a bit hard when you're playing 4 days a week every single week. Something that doesn't happen in real life.

I take FC serious TBH. But I'm in a low league, will probably just focus on OD when I progress up the ranks.
18th best rated team in Div V in Australia. You should promote soon, mate. You'd be ranked 117th if you were in IV. Wouldn't be that bad.

I'm trying to although won't be too fussed if I don't promote. The league I could be promoting to I would be 3rd only 3 behind 2nd but its going to require GFI every week it seems.
Season 13 Review

V.7 First Class
Things started well, being unbeatend until the 6th round of matches. At which point I began to realise that PFL was getting too tight to try and win both FC and OD, so I decided to sacrifice FC. Luckily because of my good start I had a god points lead and managed to hold onto 2nd place even though I drew one game and lost my final two matches. Additionally, promoting to IV in FC probably would have been suicide as the level of V FC is similar to that of III OD due to the different FC structure.


I have become the perennial underachiever in this league over the past two seasons, after a brilliant start to my second stint in III - coming 2nd - and then winning next season I have now managed to finish 4th twice, despite having the 2nd best team available. Once again I made a bad start to the season which put me out of the running straight away, luckily a good end to the season which included beating far superior side Bazzas ensured I had a comfortable 4th place. This also marks the first season in which I have lost twice to new rivals Madglover CC XI. Next season I'll be aiming for the win, which will be tough regardless of whether Bazzas promotes or not.


This league is no joke, it was so tough I decided before it even started that I was a no hoper. So with a mixed squad I took on the first few games with GFI's and won a few games I should've lost. When I finally decided it was hell and I'm going to chuck in the towel four straight losses couldn't even secure me demotion, so I ended up 8th. Next season? Well it all depends on who demotes and who promotes.


Made it to round 7, my best cup run yet. However it's a game I should've won but didn't. It was also the game that began to ruin my PFL as I didn't win for another 5 matches after that.

All in all perhaps writing BT20 off is beneficial, maybe writing OD off and just concentrating on FC would be better? I don't quite know, but I'll see what happens next season.
Does the default orders save the PAN/GFI thing? If not then my opponent will be playing on PAN tomorrow, he has logged in since Saturday.

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