The Ryder Cup 2006 At The K Club [Sign Up Closed]

Don't worry lads, Myself and Sid are going to blow these hapless Yanks out of Ireland. :)
It's a god-damn popularity contest :p

Nah I will be in the galleries cheering you guys on :D
Well James, I hope your up to the job of taking on the mighty Mansoor Darleeng! Ill take on the Pro seen as how I am the Pro of the team ;)
We all know I will end up at the top of the individual points scorers Briggsey! :cool:
Briggsey said:
Well James, I hope your up to the job of taking on the mighty Mansoor Darleeng! Ill take on the Pro seen as how I am the Pro of the team ;)

pinchinator said:
Pincy!!? i wont forget this your off my christmas card list!
it's a typo :rolleyes:


Ok guys shall start the first pairing of Z.Doom and Z.Ahmed vs T.Chapman and J.Furyk today :)
Z & Z ur going down us amezicans are gonna unload a can of whoopgolfballs :p onto ya
Hole 1

Welcome to the first match of the Ryder Cup 2006 at the K Club. This match is between Z.Doom and Z.Ahmed of Europe against T.Chapman and J.Furyk of America.Lets take a look at the first tee shot from Doom.

He's stepped up to the tee and he must be feeling nervous about driving the first shot of the Ryder Cup 2006. He takes a few practice swings, here we go he swings and he's hit that over the water so he can be realived about that! But it's heading for the sand and in it goes. Not to bad should be easy to get out of there.

Now it's the turn of the second European Ahmed. He stands next to the tee. He unleashes a great swing and that looks like a fantastic shot from Ahmed. Slap bang in the middle of the fairway, what a shot for the rookie!

Here comes Furyk who has done this before. Now lets see what the experienced campaigner can do against these rookies. He hits it sweetly and that is a cracking shot in the middle of the fairway and he will surely be hitting his 2nd shot last after that drive.

Finally the left hander Chapman in his fir Ryder Cup along with Doom and Ahmed. He likes the look of that as it is at the far end of the fairway in-line with Ahmed's tee shot.

Well a nice start for the Rookie's but a great shot from Furyk puts him at front.

Hole 1

Doom takes his 2nd shot from the bunker so lets see if he can get it near the hole. He hits it clean and straight and it stops on the edge of the green about 30 yards away.

Chapman is next in a nice position to get close to the pin. He hits it nicely but it's gonna fall short of the green but an easy chip shot and should get home in 4.

Ahmed is next to hit his 2nd shot and he is in a great position on the fairway. this should be somewhere near the hole. He hits it very cleanly it slightly drifts to the right of the pin but it only a few feet away and he is able to make a birdie from there great shot!


Finally Furyk will hit his 2nd shot. He lofts this one miles in the air, but it's gonna drop short as Ahmed is the closet to the hole after 2 shots!

Hole 1

Doom will hit his 3rd shot and will look to get close. That's looking good, this could go in... oh so close just a tap in for par.


Now it's Chapman's turn for the USA. He chips that one way past the hole not a great shot there and this will be down to Furyk to get a halved hole or better.

Well here is Furyk and he's hit that a bit hard and it's gone even futher than chapman's ball. The American's look like they are gonna lose this first hole.

This is a putt to win the hole from Ahmed. This one will slope to the left. He hits it but not hard enough but will have an easy putt for par.

So Furyk to make it in 4. This one will go from left to right but he has just missed the hole by a couyple of centimeteres. Now it's down to Chapman to hole it.

Can Chapman hole this putt? No he can't as he has done the same as Furyk and now it looks like the American's will lose this first hole.

And yes the two European paring won the hole to put Europe 1 up after 1 hole of this first match of the Ryder cup 2006.
Nice substitution of K Club with Sawgrass :p You should have bought Tiger Woods 07 cos that actually includes the K Club, decent enough start for Europe, Jim Furyk doing what he does best at the minute, just need Europe to get off to a good start
This is brilliant Treva, it gets my vote for story of the month if this standard of quality continues.

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