Why are we unlynching Riz

we need to sort it out first.
Okay Adiyta's could be possibly indvidual aligned or town aligned.
Either way we need him to win this.
Varun, if you are the role blocker. Block Aditya tonight.
We do not want him doing anything tonight.
I still have to hear
Bevab's role claim!
It could be possible both Bevab and Riz are playing it together.
So bevab better reveal your character as well.
Lets go for Riz guys. He is the confirmed role blocker.
We dont want him role blocking roles at night.
Abhas will probably hit one of us tonight.
We will lynch abhas next.
Varun feels clean to me. Or he might be playing an awesome game.
Bevab is back in the spot light considering the fact he has not roleclaimed.
Or do you guys want to go for abhas today? Since he does have a killing role?
We dont want to be down too many townies?
Unlynch: Riz
Lynch: Abhas Killing power needs to dealt with before role blockers I think.
So then We lynch Abhas today. Lose one in the night. Varun will be role block aditya. And lets see if there are any more deaths.
Does this sound good?
Thanks mad for not letting me to edit my posts.
I realize how confusing what I am saying sounds.

Okay I had said lets go for Riz, but Abhas has killing powers. So lets hit him first.
Varun will role block aditya.